Chapter 1381

After Xiao Zi heard this An Xin's words, she was taken aback for a moment and then nodded lightly, "Thank you, Miss An, but the servant knows many things about Miss An, the son is a son, and the slave only needs to support her behind her. As long as the young master can be happy, it is more important to the servant than anything else. The young master is determined to take revenge, and the servant is also in the same mood at the moment, so Miss An, I will remember the opportunity in the future, and the servant will consider it."

Although she was a little surprised by An Xin's words, Xiao Zi said, after hearing what Xiao Zi said, An Xin looked at the little girl and nodded, "It's up to you."

Everything about love is up to fate, but Junhua Anxin has to light the wax for the other party. In the beginning, Shu Wanyue was here, and now Yan Ruyu really felt bad luck for Junhua. Why does every fiancée have to make such a fuss?
And then after Xiao Zi said something to An Xin, she left the princess mansion, and now An Xin saw that Xiao Zi left, she looked at the other party, then returned to her courtyard, and started One day early self-study.

Although it's a bit late after being disturbed by others at this moment, it's just for An Xin at this moment. This martial arts cannot be discarded for a day.

But at this moment, An Xin's side is practicing martial arts, while on the other side, there is a different scene on the side of the Zhao family, "You said that Yan Ruyu and Mrs. Yan were both beaten by Mrs. Yan?"

At this moment, after Zhao Qingyan heard the words of this servant, she frowned and said, "How is it possible, this Mrs. Yan is famous for being strict with his wife. He is afraid of his wife's death all day long, so he will beat her up." wife?"

At this moment, Zhao Qingyan has deep doubts about the servant's words. After all, Master Yan was famous for being afraid of Mrs. Yan in the past, otherwise why didn't he take concubines for many years?Why is Mrs. Yan terrified like a mouse seeing a cat every time she hears this.

At this moment, Zhao Qingyan doesn't believe that Mrs. Yan has the guts to hit Mrs. Yan, "When that useless man saw Mrs. Yan, he was not timid and fearful that time. This kind of man dares to beat a woman. I really doubt it." .”

For Zhao Qingyan, Zhao Qingyan looks down on her very much. After all, for Zhao Qingyan, if she is a man who is indomitable, instead of a wimp like Lord Yan who is afraid of women, she will not want that kind of man to give herself away.

After all, the men Zhao Qingyan likes at this moment are manly men, not the ones that Mrs. Yan would bow their heads when they see their wives, but at this moment, this servant said, "Miss Hui's words are absolutely true. Over and over again, it was said that Mrs. Yan was going to stand up, and at this moment, Mrs. Yan and Ms. Yan were scolded back in despair, and Mrs. Yan was slapped and kicked by Mrs. Yan, crying back,"

To say that Mr. Yan is so ruthless that his own daughter-in-law even dared to kick him. In fact, he doesn't know that the more he has been aggrieved for a long time, the more tolerant he is. Heaven and earth.

And at this moment, Mrs. Yan is like this. She was bullied enough by Mrs. Yan in the past, but now that it explodes, she has a tendency to destroy the world, so if an honest person gets ruthless, a lunatic will stay away .

"Hmph, I didn't expect that Yan Ruyu would be so useless. I valued her so much. Not only did she fail to get the other party, but she was humiliated by the other party. She is really a bullying waste," Zhao Qingyan immediately said Said angrily.

Zhao Qingyan couldn't help feeling disgusted when she thought that Yan Ruyu looked good in the past, but now she was like a soft persimmon in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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