Chapter 1382

However, towards Master Yan, Zhao Qingyan somewhat changed her mind, she didn't expect that coward would do it today, it was really a rare event in a hundred years, but at this moment she wanted to see it.

Let's see if Mrs. Yan dares to show off in front of her mother every day, thinking that she is married to a good man, and uses this matter to alienate her mother all day long. It is to see that the other party's family is good.

Although the Zhao family chose His Royal Highness the Crown Prince later on, it has nothing to do with their daughter's family. The relationship between Yan Ruyu and Zhao Qingyan is quite gentle, which is why Yan Ruyu would listen to Zhao Qingyan's provocation.

If Yan Ruyu was looking for An Xin's trouble, it was Zhao Qingyan who played tricks behind her back. If Zhao Qingyan hadn't added fuel and jealousy behind her back, Yan Ruyu would not have caused An Xin's trouble, and even if she did, she wouldn't have done it right away.

And at this moment because of Zhao Qingyan, this Yan Ruyu is talented at this moment, and when she sees An Xin, she can't wait to kill him. I couldn't help feeling disgusted.

As far as Zhao Qingyan was concerned, she didn't want to live in the capital with peace of mind. When she didn't know that the other party was her sister at first, although she hated her, she didn't have the urge to kill her, but at this moment she was deeply disgusted by An Xin.

Obviously my parents are kind and loving, if it wasn't for that little bitch's mother, who made things difficult for me, I wouldn't be a single family for so long, and at this moment, this little bitch actually has the face to catch up with the capital. is vegetarian.

And at this moment, his father didn't have any, so why did he say that was his younger sister?Shit sister, she has been alone since she was a child, where did she come from, not to mention that Zhao Qingyan hates Anxin at this moment, there is another reason.

Thinking of how this father dotes on her so much at this moment, Zhao Qingyan can't help but think that when she was ridiculed by others as an illegitimate daughter when she was a child, An Xin was also doted on by An Youwei, and she was being bullied by others. Sometimes, it was just when the mother went out and the father was not there, but the woman grew up under the protection of her parents.

At this moment when thinking of all this, Zhao Qingyan's hand pinched into the flesh fiercely, and her fingernails directly scratched the palm, "Damn bitch, don't think that this lady will let you go,"

I hate An Xin not only because she sees that the other party is getting along with Qi Ye, but the most important reason is because of An Youwei. Zhao Qingyan's childhood experience made Zhao Qingyan feel a lot of darkness in her heart. It's just that there will be places to endure hardship in the mansion.

But when I saw An Xin at this moment, I didn't pay much attention at first, but when I knew that she was my sister, the grievance and deep jealousy that I used to have when I was a child sprouted in my heart. In order to please this peace of mind frequently in recent days.

This made Zhao Qingyan burst out all the resentment immediately, because at this moment An Youwei told Zhao Qingyan that the reason why she went to An Xin's house was only because of guilt, so she wanted to make up for the other party.

It's just that An Youwei didn't know that his words just hurt Zhao Qingyan, because in Zhao Qingyan's mind, this father owed him a lot, and at this moment he actually wanted to make up for that little bitch. Zhao Qingyan was annoyed.

It was precisely because of this that after seeing what An Youwei did, Zhao Qingyan had a vicious idea in her heart, and immediately asked Yan Ruyu to stand up for herself, but not in her own name, but let Yan Ruyu do it for her. Find a safe place by yourself.

But at this moment, the reason was naturally Junhua, and when she told Yan Ruyu about An Xin's intimacy with Junhua, and told Yan Ruyu that Junhua wanted to marry An Xin, Yan Ruyu immediately exploded.

It's just that I didn't expect this woman to be so brainless. When Zhao Qingyan threw away the broken flower branch in her hand, she looked not far away, "Miss Ben can't figure it out, so I don't believe it. You can run away,"

Bit by bit of blood dripped down on the ground, and the faint warm sun sprinkled on that twisted face. At this moment, Zhao Qingyan's appearance was really terrifying, especially the servants around him couldn't bear it. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, the lady looked very well-behaved, but in fact she was very vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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