Chapter 1395

And then An Xin talked to Concubine Yan Gui, and then chatted with some parents. Faced with Concubine Yan Gui's appearance of cultivating feelings, An Xin was slightly taken aback. Concubine Yan Gui's attitude seemed to be wrong, although it was from the younger generation. The gaze, but after all, has a bit of weirdness.

It was just that something was wrong for a while, and after the two of them had some more conversations, An Xin left Concubine Yan's residence, my banquet venue was over, and An Xin hadn't started yet.

So at this moment, I found a place to sit down and drink tea in the place where the lady was resting. Right now, just after An Xin sat down, all the eyes around her were looking at An Xin. Everyone in the princess has a novel side.

Coupled with what happened to Mrs. Yan Ruyu Yan a few days ago, everyone is even more curious about An Xin. After all, Mrs. Yan is notoriously domineering. In the past, her daughter touched their precious son. when.

Everyone dared not speak out, after all, there was no way for the other party to have the support of a noble concubine, but at this moment, the appearance of An Xin made the two of them feel embarrassed. Naturally, they were extremely curious at the moment.

When they saw An Xin, when they knew that An Xin was born as a grass-roots man, and she was a businesswoman, they couldn't help but despise them all. You must know that this businessman looks very good, but secretly looks down on the businessman. There are also many.

And now that An Xin was born, after seeing that she won the position of princess, she was naturally a little bit aggrieved, thinking that An Xin had picked up shit luck, but no one dared to say it at the moment.

After all, I don't know why at the moment?The men in the family all warned themselves, don't fight with this An Xin, although I don't know why?It's just that at this moment, she remembered all of them in her heart, and An Xin didn't care about the eyes around her.

Instead, he sat in the gazebo and ate and drank by himself. Although the banquet will be held soon, but there will be a few people eating during the banquet. At the very least, when it is time to eat and drink, it becomes a performance.

But at this moment when An Xin was sitting at the side, she unexpectedly heard a voice, "Princess Xianghua doesn't know if I can sit down." After hearing the soft voice, An Xin raised her head and looked at the woman.

But at this moment, the woman was wearing a green gauze skirt, with a gentle smile on her face, she looked like a replica of Sister Lin, "This person is fine, Miss Liu, please."

For Liu Luan, An Xin said it was not a feeling. After all, it was only the second time that the two met, and at this moment, although they had spoken a few words for the first time, they had never had a close relationship. I have no intention of making friends.

After all, she knew it was impossible for the other party to have no pimples, and she couldn't make fun of herself at this moment, not to mention the matter between her and Xue Ran, even if she was explaining it at this moment, it would become a cover-up instead, and Xue Ran avoided her for a while. , An Xin knew but didn't care.

After all, he is also very happy to avoid An Xin at the moment, she likes that Xue Ran can think about everything calmly, but today when Liu Lu came to her, An Xin was a little surprised, but she was not rude and sat down.

"Isn't Princess Xianghua bored by herself?" At this moment, Liu Lu looked at An Xin and said, and when An Xin heard Liu Lu's words, she shook her head with a light smile.

"It's nothing boring, it would be better to just sit quietly by yourself." If you go to chat with those people, others may not think highly of you. Just a grassroots.

(End of this chapter)

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