Chapter 1396

So at this moment, she naturally wouldn't walk up there in a self-defeating way. After hearing An Xin's words, Liu Lu was slightly taken aback and said, "I thought the Princess likes lively places, but I didn't expect to be mistaken."

Liu Lu's words were a bit trembling, at first she thought that An Xin was a person who likes to be lively, but unexpectedly she also likes to be quiet, but now she and An Xin are just the opposite, because she seems to like to be quiet, but in fact she is most afraid of this quietness in her bones.

The quiet world seemed to take her away from this world in the next second, so she never liked quietness very much, but her body was destined to stay in a quiet place, which was another kind of torture.

"By the way, what does Princess Xianghua think of this Xueran?" Liu Lu's words made An Xin subconsciously turn her head to look at Liu Lu, her eyes were a little inexplicable, but soon she smiled faintly, it seemed that she should come The still came. "Friend," An Xin looked at Liu Lu, what identity is Liu Lu asking at this moment?Is it a question or an inquiry?At this moment, An Xin didn't figure it out, after all, the tone was kind, but she didn't understand this woman from the beginning to the end.

After all, as a woman who is a fiancée at the moment, asking another woman what she thinks of her fiancé will sound weird to some extent. Even at this moment, An Xin couldn't help but look at Liu Lu, whether this woman really doesn't understand or is it fake? I don't understand, this topic is really embarrassing at the moment, but An Xin still answered the other party's words.

"A friend, but Xue Ran doesn't regard you as a friend, Princess Xianghua, I think you know very well, Princess Xianghua," and at this moment Liu Lu said again, she wanted to know An Xin's attitude, wanted to Knowing this woman's attitude towards Xue Ran, do you like it or not?
"Miss Liu, do you know that it is a novelty to have a feeling, and Xueran is like this at the moment, liking this kind of thing is easy for him to get, his liking for me should be that kind, I can Give him a lot of freshness, give him a lot of things that he has never seen before, that's why he is novel, but he likes it but it's just like a toy." At this moment, An Xin looked at Liu Ludao, with an indescribable expression on his face. Doubtful.

"For him at this moment, I appeared when he was hazy. At that time, he didn't know what liking was? He didn't know what love was? At that time, I just happened to appear in his sight, precisely Fortunately, it occupied his heart during that time, but it was just a momentary liking, but it never reached the level of love. When he wakes up, when he is no longer novel, this feeling will eventually fade away, and then he will find himself The person I like," Xue Ran likes herself, An Xin knows it from beginning to end.

It's just that liking isn't love. Qin Yihan's eyes on himself are different from those he likes to look at. Xue Ran's eyes are full of novelty and excitement, just like a child discovering a fun toy, but once the toy is in hand, his How long do you like it?
Maybe in the relationship after that day, this feeling can turn into true love, maybe it will turn into dislike over time, and the future can't be predicted with peace of mind, but at this moment she knows very clearly that this is not true. like myself.

After hearing An Xin's words, Liu Lu looked at An Xin, lowered her head and drooped her eyes, mocking at the corners of her mouth, "Maybe you are right, Miss An, but asking for nothing is the most desirable thing, and he can't get it now." , then Miss An will be his regret for the rest of his life, because this regret, Miss An, will be in his heart forever, or it will become more and more intense, Miss An, you know everything about this, don't you?"

Liu Lu's words were a little mocking, but also a little sad, knowing that An Xin didn't like Xue Ran, she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad?Knowing that Xueran didn't like An Xin at the moment, she couldn't laugh anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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