Chapter 1424

"Is there something wrong?" When Shu Jun saw An Xin staying here, he also walked over to have a look. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

An Xin heard Shu Jun's words, and picked up the brush on the table in the next second, and drew on it a few times, "At this moment, if you change it a little bit, the effect may be better, but at the moment there are too many decorations here, but it loses the original Simplicity, sometimes the simplest things can be the most beautiful.”

After speaking, he put down the brush, and then looked at Shu Jundao who was standing beside him, "This is my interest, I hope the second young master Shu likes you," he said with a smile, and then planned to leave.

When Shujun picked up the blueprint, he looked at An Xin, and then sighed, he didn't have any inspiration after drawing for a long time, and others changed it in a while.

But at this moment, An Xin didn't pay much attention to the Shujun, but walked to the princess mansion after leaving the gate, and at this moment when An Xin had just left, another carriage appeared in the bookstore.

Soon the man in the green robe came down from the carriage, and at this moment the man was Shu Heng. Shu Heng looked at the carriage passing by just now, then turned his head to look at the guard and said, "Who came just now?" Pass?"

But at this moment, the door said, "It's a noble lady who came to look for the second young master," and when Shuheng heard it, he nodded and walked into the room. When he saw the smirking Shujun in the study, , He frowned immediately.

This brother can't draw pictures, is he stupid?But after seeing the blueprints on the table not far away, Shuheng was slightly taken aback, "Who brought this thing?"

But at this moment, when Shujun heard this, he raised his head and looked at Shuheng, "Look, brother, the drawing is ready. I've been working on it for a long time, but I didn't expect that stinky girl to draw it as soon as she came."

At this moment, Shujun walked up to Shuheng with the blueprint that he had changed with peace of mind just now, and when Shuheng heard it, he took a look and it was indeed good, and it was more exquisite and beautiful than before.

"Who came here just now?" He knows that his younger brother has a certain talent for drawing pictures, but at the moment he hasn't finished it for a long time, and someone can do it in a flash. He is a little curious about who it is?

"An Xin,,, that stinking girl, you cheated on us." At this moment, Shujun said, afraid that Shuheng would not remember, he added a sentence at the end, hearing what Shujun said, Shuheng pondered for a while.

Soon he understood who the person who cheated them was, "What is she doing here? These things are also left behind by her, and they look ugly," Shuheng said to the point.

At this moment, Shu Jun told Shu Heng about An Xin's visit, and after hearing what Shu Jun said, Shu Heng nodded and said, "I have indeed heard that this Princess Xianghua was born as a civilian girl, and The surname is An, but I didn't think it would be her at first, if I thought about it, I should pay a visit early in the morning, "

But soon he laughed at himself, "Maybe other people want to avoid us at all," although the calligrapher looks beautiful at the moment, but secretly he doesn't know how many people are watching the show, so at this moment, Shuheng pondered for a while and said.

When Shujun heard what Shuheng said, he didn't open his mouth to refute, but looked down at Shuheng and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely make the calligrapher look as good as before."

Knowing what his elder brother was thinking, at this moment, Shujun said, the elder brother who looked thinner in the past, now became thinner and thinner because of the family affairs, but at this moment he was powerless, because of business matters, He's not very good, and sometimes it's just a disservice to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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