Chapter 1425

This is why this Shujun chose to learn drawing here, and after seeing the appearance of this Shuheng, Shujun wished to share it for his elder brother, and when he saw this Shuheng, he took a picture of it. Pat the other person on the head, "Okay, don't think about it, life will be fine,"

Yes, they have survived the most difficult days of the calligrapher, and now they just need to take their time, and it will be fine one day, the two brothers nodded tacitly, and then looked at the reassuring blueprint in thought.

But at the moment on the other side, after An Xin left the calligrapher, she was about to go back to Princess Xianghua's Mansion, but just when she arrived at the Princess Mansion, she saw a figure standing outside the gate, when she saw someone, An Xin frowned immediately.

Facing the figure turning back and forth outside the gate, An Xin was rarely displeased. What exactly does this man want to do?I wandered around in front of my own gate for several days, and I was impetuous when I really saw it.

"Erya, come back there." Hearing that voice, An Xin became even more displeased, and frowned immediately, then got out of the carriage, and at this moment, when An Youwei saw this, he walked away with a smile on his face come over.

"Where are you going, Erya? The servants in your mansion are all too unruly. Who am I? I still have to be notified. They all dare to stop after eating the ambitions," and At this moment, An Youwei said angrily, "Erya, you have to tell them, I am also your father after all, if the servants in your mansion, what you are doing at this moment is spread, maybe it will ruin you reputation,"

After all, he is An Xin's father no matter what he says at this moment, and he is still a sixth-rank official in the court. He is stopped at the gate of An Xin at this moment, which more or less makes An Youwei feel ashamed. Youwei also had anger in his heart.

So he was dissatisfied with An Xin, he has been pleasing him for so many days, this stinky girl should calm down, if not for the noble status of this stinky girl at this moment, I really want to slap her in the face to see how he reads the three obediences, four virtues and four books Pentateuch.

It's just that An Youwei has never thought about it at this moment, An Xin has never gambled on it, and Er Ya has never read it, so let alone the three obediences and four virtues at this moment, obeying the father's words at home, marrying the husband, and obeying the husband's death, let alone obeying the father's words at this moment , that's even more impossible because An Youwei is not her father.

"But Er Ya, don't worry, as long as you want, I will definitely let you be a famous lady, but in the future, you don't go to the store, don't show your face at a daughter's house, you can just wait at home and make arrangements for your father. All right, but the servants in the mansion will be changed, so don't worry about it, Weifu will find a way for you, "

And at this moment, what An Youwei said seems to be for the good of An Xin, but when An Xin hears it, don't mention how harsh it is, because at this moment, An Youwei is simply trying to seize power by changing a method.

What are you talking about changing the servants in my mansion at this moment, once the servants are replaced, I will have a hard time at that time, in the future this princess mansion will not be the princess mansion, but this An Youwei's mansion, this man If he was really ungrateful, An Xin looked around, especially when he saw that the people around were all gathered around, he immediately became cold.

"What on earth do you want to do?" When he spoke, his eyes were extremely cold. When he looked at An Youwei, he really wanted to kill him with a sword, but soon An Xin suppressed the anger in his heart. He can't ruin the good reputation he has established for this one person who doesn't know the so-called.

But at this moment, when An Youwei heard An Xin's words, he immediately frowned, and secretly scolded An Xin for not knowing what was good or bad, and he came up with good intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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