Chapter 1426

"Erya, you are wrong. I am your father. Why don't you treat me well? Look, what did your mother teach you? You don't have any ladylike demeanor at all. Like that shrew, you have to know that your status is different now. I will find you a nurturing mother in another day, and teach you what it means to respect teachers and what it means to respect elders, instead of opening and shutting like you What are you asking? Is this the tone that a junior should have? As a father, I must make you a lady of a famous family. You will tell you to learn well," at this moment, An Youwei chattered around An Xin.

At this moment, when the people around saw all this, they all started talking, "I didn't expect this to be the father of Princess Xianghua. I saw him standing outside the door for a long time. Who do you think it is, but it’s too bad to know this Princess Xianghua, how could I let my father wait outside for so long, and still talk to my father in this tone, if my child is my child, I will slap him ,"

"Yeah, I saw Mrs. An walking around in front of this door for a long time, and I didn't expect something to go wrong, but this Princess Xianghua is really ruthless, and he won't let his father in on a hot day, eh,,, This is an unfilial daughter,"

When he heard those words around him, An Youwei smiled secretly. He didn't believe that An Xin could stand up to these words. As long as he leaned forward in the future and used his means to take down a little girl, then It's simply within reach.

"Erya hurry up and go in with Weifu. Dad has to talk to you carefully. Don't learn from your mother. She has no education at all. How can this be done?" But in the next second, I saw An Xin laughing at the side. .

"Haha,,," An Xin looked at An Youwei with a smile. Since the other party is shameless, she doesn't need to. "Are you my father? Mr. An, you made a mistake. Your daughter is here The Zhao family is Zhao Qingyan and not me,"

An Xin's voice was loud, and the words she said in a mocking tone were simply stinging An Youwei, especially seeing that mocking look, at that moment An Youwei suddenly felt ashamed.

But in the next second, he became angry, "You child, why are you so stubborn, my father told you that everything in the past was caused by your mother's ostentation, so why didn't you obey, it really hurt my father's heart ,"

An Xin laughed even harder at Zhe An Youwei's words, looked at the people around and said loudly, "Uncles and uncles, please judge me whether it is the princess who is not filial, or he is not benevolent and righteous first, "

At this moment, she didn't want to continue to quarrel with An Youwei, but had a showdown. An Youwei didn't expect that An Xin would do this, and her face turned blue with anger, "Master An, don't forget, who just graduated from high school, So he abandoned the poor wife at home, and who kicked our family of four out, there was nowhere to go in the cold weather, and the whole family could only hug each other in a dilapidated house to keep warm, you say you are My father, tell me, when did you do what you should do as a father?"

An Xin's voice was very cold and sharp, and when she looked at An Youwei sharply, she said word by word, "When you settled down and kicked us out, your good mother despised my mother and wrote the letter of renunciation by hand, let us Fend for yourself outside, your cruelty, let our family of four almost die, you said you are my father, when you were a child, you would beat or scold me whenever you were unhappy, saying that I lost money and treated my mother She is even more like a lowly slave, she is your wife, not your slave, our family of four has worked so hard for you to settle down, but what we get in return is a letter of divorce,"

(End of this chapter)

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