Chapter 1427

An Xin's words were frighteningly cold, isn't An Youwei here to curry favor at this moment?Then let everyone in the capital know clearly what this An Youwei really is.

"You abandoned my mother on the front foot, and we were kicked out on the back foot. Do you dare to say that you don't know, it's cold and snowy, and you haven't brought a single piece of clothing. Don't you think that we will die? It's my father. Of course, when Ping Ai Fu married a rich lady and wanted to put our family to death, why didn't you say that you were my father at that time? Mr. An, please save your fatherly love for Miss Zhao , I can't bear it," An Xin looked at An Youwei and said.

Seeing the mocking looks around, An Youwei's old face turned dark immediately, he raised his hand and slapped him, "What are you talking about, bitch?"

But at this moment, An Xin didn't hide, but let the other party slap him directly, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, "I've become angry from embarrassment, I've hit the mark, you are a hypocrite, don't you just fancy my family business?" , wishing to seize, "

At this moment, An Xin began to cry leisurely as he spoke, with a somewhat sad expression on his face, "Why do I have such a father? Others' fathers regard their children as treasures, but at this moment, my father wants to make me cry everywhere." Death, when I divorced and abandoned my mother, I was afraid that Ms. Zhao would find out that you had children outside, so she would try every means to kill the three of us. , I didn’t expect to finally get rich, good days are coming, woo woo,,,”

Speaking of that, An Xin began to cry. At this moment, the listener was crying, and the hearer was sad, especially with An Xin's beautiful face, when she cried, it was even more lethal, and at this moment, after An Xin's true feelings were cultivated, , this image of An Youwei suddenly became a scum that was not as good as scum.

"A few days ago, when I was not a princess, you robbed my shop, saying that I am your daughter, and the things should be yours, woo,,,, you clearly don't want me and my mother's family in Anjia But at this moment, what are you talking about your daughter, I have good things for your feelings, when I let you grab it, it is when my daughter is not there, it is the grass on the side of the road, you can trample on it casually, after I become the princess, You came here to please, saying it was for my own good, but you were there for my own good, and you wanted my life at all, and took my money to please, your current wife and daughter, woo,,, my life is miserable,, ,,," An Xinna cried, and some women burst into tears.

One by one pointed at An Youwei and began to scold. At this moment, An Xin also knew very clearly that people's sympathy always favors the weak, and now that An Youwei's various crimes were added, she believed that this An Youwei The good old days are over.

Originally, he didn't want to break his face with An Youwei so early, who would let the other party know that he was relying on him all day long, do he really think he is a fool at this moment?She's not stupid and doesn't like being a fool.

At this moment, An Youwei's entanglement made An Xin very little disgusted, she didn't want to act with An Youwei, but at this moment, An Youwei wanted to play a fatherly love with her on the street, so she cooperated with him.

An Youwei saw the gazes from all around, and wanted to reassure himself in anger, but this time, he was stopped by the people around, "I hate you the most, a bastard who eats soft food, you fucking eat your wife's soft It doesn't matter if you don't have a meal, and you are still cheating on your daughter at this moment, I will beat you to death with one punch."

As he said that, he punched An Youwei, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. After all, An Youwei's reputation in the capital was very good, but many people looked down on him, thinking that An Youwei was a softie boy.

And at this moment, the women who had a great affection for An Youwei, all of them became disgusted by An Xin's words. After all, no woman likes such things as abandoning their wives and daughters. .

At the beginning An Xin didn't show up, they didn't think of this, but now An Xin was standing in front of them alive, then they remembered that the person in front of them was a scum who abandoned his wife and daughter, and it was in vain for them to think that he was good.

An Youwei was very angry after being beaten, "What do you want to do to rebel? You dare to beat the court officials in the street. You are not afraid that the officials will put you all in prison,"

Why was An Youwei treated like this before, so he was so angry, but unfortunately, the public anger has already started, people don't care if An Youwei is an official ordered by the court, and beat them one by one with vegetable leaves, "this Such a stinky man, but also the court ordered an official, this is fucking disgusting,,,, "

The yelling and scolding made An Youwei's face turn pale, and the servants beside An Youwei at this moment quickly pulled An Youwei's sleeve, "My lord, let's go, if you don't go, I'm really going to be angry .”

(End of this chapter)

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