Chapter 1428

"Let's go, my lord. If you don't go, I'm really going to be angry with the people." At this moment, the servants beside An Youwei pulled An Youwei and said, the eyes around him at this moment, even if they saw him panicking with embarrassment, What's more, this is An Youwei.

What's more, at this moment, Princess Xianghua has a great prestige in the people's family. If Mr. An continues to make trouble at this moment, I'm afraid he will be the only one who will be ruined, so I can't help but remind him silently.

And at this moment, when An Youwei heard the words of this servant, his rationality finally returned. Looking at the anger of the people around him, his face couldn't help changing slightly. You must know that the reputation of people like them is very important at this moment .

Especially for An Youwei at this moment, he is the son-in-law of the Zhao family. If he ruins his reputation at this moment, he may not be able to explain it in front of his father-in-law. After all, in order to make his father-in-law agree with him, he It took a lot of effort.

But at this moment, because of An Xin's words, he completely destroyed the image he had established at the beginning. In fact, when An Youwei came here, he planned it from the beginning, that is, to let others know that he is Peace of mind father.

But he poured dirty water on An's body, so that he could not only preserve his reputation, but also make An Xin have to recognize himself as his father, but he didn't expect that An Xin would be so unreasonable to play his cards.

Even if you lose face in the street, you have to pull yourself into the water and ruin yourself, and this is indeed the case for An Xin at this moment, although the reputation of her mother being divorced is not very good, but at this moment, compared to being entangled by this white-eyed wolf, An Xin is very happy to choose the latter.

What's more, at this moment in Pingcun, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, even if something happens, it will not affect this An family, but this An Youwei is different now, he is known as a good husband and father in the capital.

But at this moment, what this good father did was to harm his own children, and at this moment, what this good husband did was to abandon his wife and daughter. With this living example, at this moment, An Youwei's good reputation will be destroyed in an instant. fell to the bottom.

In fact, when An Youwei married Ms. Zhao, at that time, no one thought about An Xin, nor did they think about An Youwei's past. At first, they only saw the superficial happiness.

Seeing how An Youwei treats Zhao Qingyan well, how he takes care of Miss Zhao, but when An Xin appears at this moment, when An Xin stands there alive, everyone suddenly realizes that the so-called goodness is only on the surface. phenomenon.

"Stinky girl, you will die badly. You are not filial if you rush to beat your father with others." An Youwei covered his nose, which was still bloody at the moment, but his mouth was still screaming angrily. road.

However, this person did not dare to go forward not far away, for fear that the big man just now would hit him again, and now when An Xin saw the person beside him, he smiled secretly, because the person standing beside him at this moment , feel at ease to know and a little familiar.

It's just that the others didn't know that An Xin knew him, because this person was left behind by Qin Yihan, but An Xin didn't expect that this person's head reaction was fast enough, and when he saw that An Youwei was about to hit him, he jumped out and punched him .

Moreover, An Youwei was hit with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but he did not reveal his identity. At this moment, he was only attacking as a passer-by. If you want to ask him why?He will definitely reply to you, I don't like those who eat soft food, so what if I hit you.

But at this moment, when the big man saw An Youwei chattering on the sidelines, he suddenly became angry again, "What the hell, I'll kill you first today, and see if you still dare to bully this little girl here, You still have to be shameless, the life of the mother and daughter is better, you wish that others will die earlier, I have never seen a father like you, people say that tiger poison does not eat children, you are a good person, better than tiger poison You are also poisonous, and you want to kill your own children wholeheartedly. Apart from eating soft food, people like you know how to hurt people everywhere. If there are officials like you in the court, no wonder you have harmed so many ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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