Chapter 1444

This can be regarded as getting up, looking at the sky outside, her face became even darker, but when she saw Junhua, An Xin was stunned, "Why did Master Junhua come so early?"

Seeing Junhua's dusty face, he felt a little embarrassed, and looked at his face as if he hadn't slept all night. When he saw this, An Xin woke up much less angry, after all, he didn't sleep either.

"Are you okay?" Junhua walked over when he saw An Xin. When An Xin heard it, he was slightly taken aback, and looked at the other party confusedly, "Do you think I am someone who has something to do?"

How could she have something to do, you must know that she is doing well at the moment, and when Jun Hua heard this, she was relieved, and when she saw this, An Xin asked, "Did something happen?"

If there is nothing wrong, how could this man show that look of fear, let alone when is this?It was only five o'clock in the morning, and this man came to the door, probably something serious happened.

"Did someone come to you yesterday?" Hearing Junhua's words, An Xin nodded. The person who came to look for him yesterday hid himself. A guard Liu Lu and her mother, plus Xue Ran, Mrs. Liu would not let her go. Junhua was so frightened that Xueran would not think that the only one left at this moment should be the guard.

"Did something happen? There was a person looking for me yesterday, but I sent him away," An Xin told Junhua about the guard, and when Junhua heard about the guard, the corner of his mouth twitched. Then he laughed.

"It seems that he really doesn't give up," Jun Hua said sarcastically, especially when he was speaking, his eyes were covered with a gloomy chill. When he saw this, he knew at ease. There is a relationship with the Jun family.

After all, the only person who can make Junhua hate this kind of virtue at this moment is the Jun family, "If they come in the future, find someone to drive them out, don't take care of them, if not, I'll find some guards , I don't believe that they dare to rob people blatantly, "

When he looked at An Xin, this Jun Hua arrived. In fact, the person who came to An Xin yesterday was Jun Hua's father and the current Patriarch of the Jun family. The reason why he didn't mention his name was simply because he said, Relief is even more unlikely to go psychologically.

After all, at this moment, the Patriarch of the Jun family knows the relationship between An Xin and Jun Hua, so once he finds An Xin at this moment, An Xin will naturally not go to the appointment on time, but he never thought that it would still be the same if he didn't mention his name.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll be fine," An Xin shook her head and said to Junhua, "There are a lot of guards in the Fuzhong, I believe they can protect me well, not to mention I'm not a soft persimmon, How could it be possible for people to handle it casually, "

Regarding Junhua's relationship, An Xin nodded, but she never accepted it. After all, there are people left by Qin Yihan beside her at the moment. Chaos is born.

"If you think so, then I'll forget it, but you have to be careful recently, I don't think he will let it go," Junhua knew his father's temperament very well, knowing that the other party's purpose would never give up , so at this moment he did not ask for peace of mind, and there is no guarantee that other troubles will not arise.

And when An Xin heard it, she also nodded, "Yes, I will be careful," An Xin is not too big. At this moment, the Jun family is considered a giant to her, and she will not choose to fight head-on. , as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

(End of this chapter)

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