Chapter 1445

Don't look at the Jun family suffering in Junhua's hands, but even though they have lost weight at the moment, they are much fatter than their own, so they don't feel at ease at the moment, because they become arrogant because of a little thing.

After Junhua said some things to An Xin, he left the Xianghua Princess Mansion. At this moment, when Junhua was sitting in the carriage, Xiao Zi who was on the side came, "Sir, tell me, this Junhua What does Patriarch want to do in Princess Xianghua?"

You must know that young master Junhua hurried back last night after hearing that the Patriarch of the Jun family was looking for An Xin, but at this moment he has not even entered his own house, so he hurried to see if something happened to An Xin ?
Faced with this point, Xiao Zi looked at her heart, and naturally knew that this peace of mind was only for Jun Hua, and it had weight in it, so she asked, and when Jun Hua heard Xiao Zi's words, she looked at it. Xiao Zi, "What can he do?"

There was a deep coldness in those words, "In the past, he looked down on this girl, thinking that she was just a little girl, and he didn't pay much attention to it, just making a fuss, but after the queen's birthday, he had to care, And now I want to find a girl, I just want to use the Jun family's usual method to buy An Xin somewhere, but I want to see what he can come up with to impress this girl's heart, "

"Then what if Princess Xianghua is moved?" Xiao Zi couldn't help being a little worried when she heard Junhua's words. hit.

"She won't, I know her too well," Junhua's tone is very sure, he knows An Xin too well, "There are many things in the world that can impress her, but it's a pity that the Jun family can't bring it out, so she No, she has gold, silver, jewels, fame, wealth and power at the moment, so what do you think the Jun family will do?"

If this girl could be bought by the Jun family casually, then I would not have cooperated with the other party so easily in the first place, and also had as many benefits as the other party, and many things in the world can impress the other party.

It's just that Jun Hua at this moment knows very clearly that the Jun family will never be able to get those things, in fact it's not because they can't get them out, but because they are reluctant. This girl's appetite is very greedy, and ordinary people can't afford it.

After all, at this moment, Junhua knows very well that if he meets the other party when the other party is full-fledged, he is not sure that he can impress the other party, but he is not. When he meets An Xin, that girl is just a chick , so it is very easy to raise, but it is a pity that it will take a lot of bleeding to raise the Jun family at this moment.

After all, people have to pay different prices at different times and places, and right now he happened to meet An Xin when he was the weakest, so the price was naturally the smallest at that time.

"If you want to say that I am a good father, I am sincere enough. Knowing the relationship between me and Princess Xianghua at this moment, I am afraid that he already wished for a gap between the two of us. If he went to see him with peace of mind, he would definitely obstruct it , let me misunderstand An Xin, it's just that he doesn't know me too well, and he doesn't know that girl too well. If you get on the boat with me, you will naturally not betray me. At this moment, the only thing I am worried about is that this old man will not be good for him. After all, this man became angry from embarrassment, and he can do it better than anyone else. Xiao Zi, let the people below Just watch, if he dares to act recklessly, don't blame me for being rude," Jun Hua said in a cold tone.

He is very similar to An Xin, so Jun Hua is also very clear about An Xin's betrayal. Although the two seem to be in a cooperative relationship, they have a strong relationship, and at this moment, An Xin is also proud Lord, how could she be subservient to the Jun family.

Just like what I said at the time, the Jun family can give An Xin a lot of benefits on the surface at this moment, but at this moment he and An Xin both know that although those benefits are good, they can also be taken back by the Jun family at any time.

And this An Xin is not a three-year-old child, he knows what to do and what not to do, not to mention that the Jun family also has a personal enmity with An Xin, so he is not worried at all that An Xin will betray, the only thing he is worried about is that the Patriarch of the Jun family will become angry under the black hands.

After all, at this moment, apart from feelings, he and An Xin are bound by interests, so there are all kinds of ties. At this moment, the relationship is already unbreakable, and the only thing to worry about at this moment is the messy affairs of the Jun family.

"It's Xiaozi who knows," Xiaozi nodded when she heard Junhua's words, "I will definitely not let Princess Xianghua have any problems." Knowing Junhua's relationship is so reassuring.

So at this moment, Xiao Zi will naturally take good care of her. After all, for Jun Hua, An Xin is indeed a very important partner at this moment. Coupled with Jun Hua's special feelings for An Xin, Xiao Zi naturally understands the importance of An Xin. sex, he promised.

"By the way, young master, you should sleep for a while, and the servant will call you," Seeing Jun Hua's exhausted appearance, Xiao Zi couldn't help reminding him, Jun Hua also nodded when he saw this.

Then he leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes and fell asleep. After all, he was in a hurry to go on his way because he was afraid that something might happen to An Xin. At the moment, he was really tired, and he fell asleep quickly as soon as he closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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