Chapter 1446

After An Xin saw that Jun Hua was gone, she sat in the hall and meditated for a while. An Xin had already expected that the Jun family would find her, but she never thought it would be at this juncture.

An Xin couldn't help but frown when she thought of the Patriarch of the Jun Family looking for her at this juncture. After all, it was an eventful time at this moment, and the matter of the ghost doctor had not been settled by herself. An Xin frowned.

Soon An Xin sat down in the room for a while, but seeing that the sky was already bright, looking at the color of the sky, An Xin sat for a while before standing up.

"Housekeeper, prepare a carriage for me. I'm going out for a while. By the way, that blacksmith's shop is the best in the capital." An Xin got up from her chair, and she was not in the mood to sleep at the moment.

Don't talk about the Jun family's affairs, just talk about the threshing machine, and I can't delay, but at this moment, I don't want to pay more attention to the Liu Lu family's problems. It would be great if the ghost doctor came.

If you can't come, you can only do your best to obey the destiny. After all, you are a human being, not a god. It is impossible for others to beg you, and you can do everything for the other party.

"Your Majesty, don't go out for something to eat. It's still early," the butler said as soon as he heard that An Xin wanted to go out. I'm so hungry, princess, even if you have something big to do, you still have to eat before leaving."

Seeing that An Xin was busy here yesterday, and got up so early today, the housekeeper couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken. I have never seen such a troublesome master. Busy, as if he was going to be busy with everything in his life.

"Don't eat, I'll go out first, you prepare a carriage for me," An Xin shook her head and said, even if she is eating delicious food, she doesn't have much appetite for herself, so it's better to go out early and clear the matter It's done.

When the butler heard An Xin's words, he nodded quickly and went down to arrange a carriage with An Xin. An Xin returned to her room, put on another coat, and then walked out the door.

After An Xin walked out of the gate, when she got into the carriage, she said to the coachman, "I went to the blacksmith shop. I went to three shops yesterday, but today I visited the other three shops."

I went to three blacksmith shops yesterday, but everyone thought that the threshing machine was too finely made, especially the wheels and rings, so they all shook their heads, thinking it was a bit troublesome, so they refused.

And at this moment when An Xin saw this, she didn't ask the other party too much. After all, they had already refused, which meant that she didn't want to do it, or she couldn't do it. Soon An Xin and the driver came to a blacksmith's shop.

"The princess is here. This is a century-old brand in the capital, but it has been defeated recently, and there are few people who come here to forge iron. Do you want to go up and ask?" At this moment, after the driver stopped the car, he turned to the inside of the carriage. Anxin said.

When An Xin heard what the coachman said, she opened the curtain and walked down, and soon saw the name of the iron shop of the Tie family, and when she saw this, she got out of the carriage and went up with the coachman.

"Is anyone there? We're here to beat things. Do you want someone?" The coachman helped An Xin out of the carriage, then walked to the blacksmith shop and knocked on the door, but at this moment, there was a burst of silence from inside the door.

Seeing this, the coachman knocked a few more times, "Is there anyone here? We're here to beat things up." After knocking on the door this time but failing to save him, he heard cursing voices coming from the room.

(End of this chapter)

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