pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 146: I Am Crazy

Chapter 146: I Am Crazy (8)
This is also the reason why Dr. Li will feel more and more guilty later on, feeling guilty that he can't do anything

He could only watch a life being lost in his hands, but fortunately he finally found out with his conscience, and absolutely took the risk of bringing the words of peace of mind to Jun.

And when Junhua heard Dr. Li's words, his face suddenly turned ugly, okay, I didn't expect that the person was still there, okay.

At this moment, Junhua never thought that he would be in prison?He couldn't blame it, he searched all over the city but still couldn't find the girl. At first he thought that she was turned into a city, but he didn't expect that she was in the city from beginning to end.

The scene changed to the other side, and at this moment, Qin Yihan was looking for An Xin's whereabouts after he came out of Yuyue Tower, but today An Youcai and Xiao Wei didn't follow him any more.

Because An Youcai was exhausted yesterday, and he hasn't woken up yet, so Qin Yihan didn't wake him up, but came out alone to find An Xin.

After many days of searching but failed, Qin Yihan's face was also covered with a shadow, and the fear in his heart became more and more intense. The fear seemed to completely defeat him as long as there was one more straw. .

And today Qin Yihan was looking for news of peace of mind in the streets and alleys, and the way he was looking for at this moment was to ask the gangsters in the city. After all, if he wanted news of peace of mind at this moment, that was the only way he could find it.

What disappointed Qin Yihan was that he hadn't searched for it for many days but still couldn't find it. No matter how he asked, those little gangsters still looked confused, saying that they hadn't heard of any kidnapping of children recently.

And as the days passed, the fear in Qin Yihan's heart became more and more intense. Where did he want to feel at ease?Why can't I find her?

Today, Qin Yihan was asking about An Xin's trace as usual, but at this moment, he saw a man wearing jailer's clothes walking by.

And when he saw the middle-aged man, Qin Yihan didn't pay attention at first, but suddenly became excited in the next second.

Because the jade bracelet that the jailer was playing with at the moment was actually the jade bracelet that he gave to An Xin, so he couldn't be wrong.

He will never admit it wrong, he still remembers that day, when he gave the bracelet to An Xin, the smile on An Xin's face was so happy.

Adding that the jade bracelet was his first gift, Qin Yihan would not admit his mistake.

In fact, An Xin would never know that he had valued that jade bracelet early in the morning.

Moreover, he specifically asked your stall owner to keep it. At first, the owner said five taels of silver, and he never negotiated the price. Instead, he asked him to keep it for a few days so that he could buy it later.

It's just that An Xin's jade bracelet is in the hands of the jailer in front of him.As soon as he saw the jade bracelet appearing in the hands of the jailer, Qin Yihan had a cold light in his eyes, and quickly grabbed the jailer.

At this moment, the head of the prison who was going to go home was suddenly stopped by someone. He was startled at first, but when he saw Qin Yihan, he frowned.

"What are you doing? Don't let go quickly. If you don't let go, believe it or not, I will sue you for obstructing official duties." When he saw that the person holding him was a slightly embarrassed person, the warden felt a little old-fashioned. fire.

At this moment, he was still rushing back to look after his wife, children, and mother at home, so he didn't have time to mess around with him here. In fact, the prison head today is because he hasn't been home for many days, and he misses his wife and children at home, so he took time off home.

(End of this chapter)

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