pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 147: I Am Crazy

Chapter 147: I Am Crazy (9)
It's just that the prison head at this moment can't think of it, but when he returns home, something bad happens. If time goes back, the prison head will not go home even if he is killed.

"Talk about where you got it," Qin Yihan said, snatching the jade bracelet from the head of the jail, and when he saw the jade bracelet clearly, a murderous intent arose in his heart.

Where the hell did this man get his bracelet from?Especially when he saw that it was stained with faint blood, Qin Yihan wished to kill the person in front of him immediately.

"What?" Hearing Qin Yihan's words, the prison chief was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized it, especially when he saw Qin Yihan's distorted expression, his heart felt shaky.

"I picked up this bracelet. If you want it, I can give it to you." If the prison head doesn't know what's going on at this moment?Then he can die.

The person in front of you obviously knows your girl, so damn it, call him greedy, tell him to be greedy, if he hadn't been greedy and wanted to give the wisdom bracelet to his sister, I'm afraid he wouldn't have encountered this evil spirit at this moment.

"I don't have the patience to ask the second question, you tell me," Qin Yihan's face became colder and colder when he didn't hear the answer he wanted, especially when he looked at the head of the prison, he looked like a dead person.

When he saw that dead-looking gaze, the head of the prison was so frightened that his whole body was covered in cold sweat, what happened to this person in front of him?Why do I feel like I am in hell?
"Ah, ah,,,,," Qin Yihan quickly raised his hand, and then took off the prison head's arm, then looked at him gloomyly and said, "It's okay if you don't say it, I just want to break it off." Your hand, and then cut off your foot, when the time comes, I will see if you will say anything or not, "

He murmured in a low voice like an evil ghost, making the prison head tremble with fear, "You madman, if you dare to touch me, the government will not let you go, you madman, let go quickly!" open me,"

The head of the prison, whose face turned pale in fright, came out like an official at this moment, and at this moment his right hand was also in great pain, which made his entire face distorted.

"Crazy, you're right. I'm crazy. I'm crazy when the little girl is lost. If I can't find her, I won't be able to live at all. Do you think I'm still afraid of the government?" Qin Yi Leng smiled, and there was a bit of bloodlust and madness in that smile.

He was crazy, he was still crazy from the moment An Xin disappeared, he wanted to kill people, he wanted to kill everyone, especially those who dared to touch An Xin.

And the reason why his emotions were stable at the beginning was because he didn't want to frighten An Shi and An Youcai, so he kept suppressing, suppressing the beast in his body, so as not to let his emotions go wrong.

It's just that Qin Yihan can't suppress it now, because the person who knows An Xin's whereabouts, in the eyes of him, doesn't need to suppress him at all.

At this moment, as long as he thinks of the blood-red jade bracelet being stained with traces of blood, he wants to kill, especially the person in front of him who has snatched the peace of mind bracelet.

If it wasn't because he was still useful, he wouldn't mind at the moment, crippling this person, so as to relieve his hatred.

"Let me tell you, my patience has a limit. If you don't say anything, I will cut off your hands and feet and make you a useless person." Qin Yihan pressed a blood-stained dagger against the head of the prison "You have to know, I was born as a hunter. I am very good at cutting meat and handling prey. If you want to try it, I don't mind doing it here,"

As he said that, he shook the knife on the prison head's face a few times, and there was a bloodthirsty smile in his eyes. If An Xin saw Qin Yihan like this at this moment, he would definitely say, what about the elder brother next door?

You must know that in An Xin's eyes, Qin Yihan is like a brother next door, giving people a sense of peace and warmth, unlike at this moment, giving people an incomparably gloomy chill, and distorted eyes like a ghost.

"Ah, ah,,, I said, I said, she is in prison, please let me go, I didn't do this, please," said the severe pain that did not make the prison head suspicious Qin Yihan's words were because he knew that Qin Yihan really wanted to kill himself.

At this moment, the head of the prison is regretful, why should he go home?Why be greedy, if he doesn't go home, he won't meet this evil spirit, if he isn't greedy, he won't let this evil spirit stop him.

It's just that there is no medicine for regret in the world, even if the head of the prison is regretting, the thing still happened, and the head of the prison is thinking at this moment, why does that girl know such a person?

After all, Qin Yihan at this moment gave people a gloomy feeling, especially his gaze was like a wild beast, ready to devour people at any moment.

And when Qin Yihan heard the prison head's words, he immediately pushed the prison head away and disappeared into the alley. When the prison head saw Qin Yihan disappear, he was paralyzed on the ground.

And he kept muttering in his mouth, "Sure enough, people can't do bad things, and now the retribution is coming,"

The head of the prison at this moment knew that the matter of An Xin was doomed, and the only thing he hoped at this moment was that the man just now would not vent his anger on him.

After all, when he let the man stare at him just now, he felt as if he let a poisonous snake stare at him, and his whole body was terrified.

At this moment, when Qin Yihan learned that he was in An Xin's cell, he ran without saying a word, and started rampaging on the street, but fortunately he has lightness skills, so the journey was smooth.

It's just that when Qin Yihan got closer to the prison, the fear in his heart became more intense. At this moment, he seemed to feel that something was about to disappear?
My heart was twitching desperately at that moment, it hurt as if something bad was about to happen, could it be that something happened to the little girl?
(End of this chapter)

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