pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 167 The Ghost Doctor's Chapter

Chapter 167 The Ghost Doctor's Words (4)
Qin Yihan's An's family, these people are people she can't part with in this world, so An Xin thinks that if she really wants to fall in love with someone in this world, she thinks Qin Yihan is the best choice.

Hearing An Xin's words, the ghost doctor stopped talking, but was about to open the door and go out, because she had already got the answer she wanted, and she only hoped that this girl and her silly apprentice could really take it.

In fact, to be honest, the girl in front of me is really close to me, but just when the ghost doctor was about to open the door, he suddenly took out a book from his arms, "You keep this thing, don't let anyone read it." Got it, of course this person must include Han'er."

When he threw the book to An Xin, he opened the door and walked out. Not long after the ghost doctor opened the door, the voices of An Shi and others came from outside the door.

And when An Xin heard An's and the others' voices, she smiled, then looked at the book the ghost doctor threw to her, and quickly stuffed the book into her arms, but she actually threw it into the space.

Soon An Shi and An Youcai ran in the next second, and when they saw An Xin doing something, they immediately rushed over.

"Woooo,,, sister, you're awake, woo,, am I dreaming, sister, I miss you so much, miss you so much," An Youcai burst into tears like a child at this moment.

There was joy and fear in the crying, the fear that went deep into the bone marrow, as if he had lost something important, but there was also a sense of joy of regaining it.

And when An Xin heard An Youcai's cry, she rubbed An Youcai's beautiful hair, "Why are you crying, silly boy? My sister just fell asleep, and she didn't really want to leave. I'm talking, sister." But I heard Youcai's voice, if you don't let my sister go, you will naturally not leave, "

An Youcai's crying made An Xin feel warm in her heart. At this moment, An Xin didn't regret it even more. She didn't regret that she gave up the chance to return to modern times. She gave up the cold machinery, but got a warm home.

"Okay, you guys have seen it too, but the old woman also told you that half of this girl's body has been destroyed this time, so she has to take good care of her, and remember that in this half month, don't put cold water on her, otherwise, you Don't even think about being a mother in this lifetime."

But when An Xin and An Youcai's family were putting on a warm drama, the ghost doctor suddenly said something cold, scaring An's quickly, letting An Xin sleep, and then asked An Qiao to get supplements for An Xin.

But at this moment, when An Xin heard the ghost doctor's words, a faint light flashed in her eyes, I don't know why?She felt that the ghost doctor was jealous, just now she was jealous of their family.

Although this idea is ridiculous, the ghost doctor was really jealous just now, but after thinking about it for a while, An Xin felt weak all over her body and felt a little sleepy.

When An Xin felt tired, she frowned. Could it be that this body is really as fragile as the ghost doctor said?

And when An Shi saw this, she covered An Xin with a quilt, and then asked everyone to go out. When she went out, An Shi was about to thank the ghost doctor, but found that the ghost doctor and Qin Yihan had disappeared .

The night was like a shadow, and the moonlight shone on the ground. At this moment, the ghost doctor took a jug of wine, sat on the tree and drank it, and the person under the tree at this moment was Qin Yihan.

"The girl Han'er is awake, why don't you go and see her? Instead, she came to my old woman," the ghost doctor said after taking a sip of wine, then looked at Qin Yihan.

(End of this chapter)

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