pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 168 The Ghost Doctor's Chapter

Chapter 168 The Ghost Doctor's Words (5)
It's just that today's ghost doctor gave Qin Yihan a strange feeling, with a touch of sadness, as if something enveloped her, indifferent and lonely.

"The apprentice promised the master that after the master rescues the careful girl, he will go with the master. It is better not to see you than this," Qin Yihan said to the ghost doctor, but in his heart, why didn't he want to see your girl.

It's just that it can't and it won't work because he knows that if he really went to see that girl, he might not be willing to leave in the next second.

For his own sake and for the sake of An Xin, he did not dare to meet, because he would not violate his promise, and he did not dare to violate it. bet.

"Han'er, have you really thought about it, are you not reluctant?" The ghost doctor looked at the sky and turned his back to Qin Yihan and said, but there was an indescribable chill in that voice.

"I,,,," Qin Yihan lowered his head, but after thinking for a while, he said, "The apprentice is not unwilling, the apprentice really wants to go with the master,"

Hearing Qin Yihan's words, the ghost doctor's eyes flashed a smile, but he quickly said, "Han'er, you have been with me for so many years, don't I know your personality, how much you hate the world, and how much you are a teacher? How could it be possible not to know? But don't worry, my teacher won't take you to do it this time. When you become an adult, my teacher will naturally come back and take you away. At that time, you will inherit everything from me and become me."

It's not that she doesn't want to take Qin Yihan away at this moment, but that she promised that person before, that she would not allow him to interfere in his life when he was a child, and she was disobedient at the beginning, and almost ruined him, but this time she won't up.

"The meaning of the master is that I don't have to go," Qin Yihan immediately became happy when he heard the ghost doctor's words, but the ghost doctor's next sentence made the smile on Qin Yihan's face freeze.

"Han'er, you should know that the girl you like is not ordinary, her life will not be determined at this moment, and her life in the future is destined to fly high, so what should you do at that time? Are you going to break her wings and let her be trapped here for the rest of her life?"

When Qin Yihan was happy, the ghost doctor said something that hurt Qin Yihan, and when Qin Yihan heard the ghost doctor's words, he retorted subconsciously, "I won't hurt her,"

How could he hurt her?How could he hurt her if he cared so much about her and hoped that she could live?

"You can't, but sometimes you can't tolerate you. You should know that when she grows up, she will become better and better. At that time, you can bear her lying in other people's arms, you can You can bear her having children for others, and you can also bear her leaving you. If you can bear all these, just pretend that you have never said those words as a teacher at this moment."

Hearing the ghost doctor's words, Qin Yihan fell silent, and lowered his head. When he thought of An Xin, who grew up, and fell into the arms of others, he felt jealous in his heart.

That jealousy seemed to go crazy, wanting to destroy everything, especially the man holding An Xin, he couldn't bear it, couldn't bear An Xin becoming someone else's woman.

"You can't stand it, right! Of course you can't, because you like her," seeing Qin Yihan's expression, the ghost doctor didn't stop talking, but still murmured.

"You like her, so you want her to stay by your side, but on the other hand, you tell yourself desperately that you don't have that kind of thought for her. Han'er, you are a teacher's apprentice, so how could a teacher not understand you?" You have a ferocious beast in your heart, a ferocious beast that will be released at any moment, that's why you are wandering between suffering and confusion, "

(End of this chapter)

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