pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 255 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 255 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (7)
I'm afraid he didn't do it at all, but went somewhere to eat. It was simply the price. He took his words as fart, and became more and more angry, so he slapped An Baozhu across the face.

"Why did I give birth to a fool like you? I am so smart, but you are a fool. I asked you to kill people, not to be a guest. Do you have any brains? I am so mad,"

Because An Fu was angry, he said what he said, but when An Baozhu heard An Fu's words, his eyes widened immediately, what is murder?

Because An Fu's words were so irritating that An Baozhu forgot the pain on his face, and his only thought was to kill someone?Don't you mean being silly?

"Father, what do you mean by this? How can you do this? I am your daughter, and you are harming me. You must pay for your life if you kill someone. Father, you can't harm me like this, woo woo woo,,, you say yes How can the medicine for fooling become the poison for killing?"

An Baozhu burst into tears when she heard An Fu's words, and at this moment An Fu also realized that she had slipped up, although there was a bit of ruthlessness in her expression.

"Okay, aren't you well now? Don't cry anymore. Someone will hear it later. If you still want to live, get the hell out of here." After all, it is the daughter I have loved for many years. Can't help it.

It's just that even if she couldn't bear it, she still couldn't change the fact that she used her daughter. It's just that An Fu at the moment planned to let it go. If he didn't kill An's family for a day, he wouldn't even comfort him when he slept.

And when An Baozhu heard An Fu's words, she walked out with her face in her hands, tears in her eyes, and her father's gaze was extremely complicated, filled with resentment, anger and grievance.

But at this moment, An Fu and An Baozhu did not notice a small figure under the corner of the wall. When An Xin heard the conversation between An Fu and An Baozhu, the cruelty in her eyes became more and more intense.

There is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you just barge in. Why didn't she expect the peace of mind at this moment?Now that Anfu has lost all conscience.

Even his own granddaughter and grandson were killed, thinking that if he hadn't found out that An Baozhu had given the drug, wouldn't An Youcai's soul at this moment have already returned to the west.

Okay, this is also inhumane and unrighteous. She said she wanted to see who was the first to be trapped in the cocoon?Thinking of An Xin, he disappeared under the corner of the wall.

At this moment, when An Baozhu returned to the room, she burst into tears. Today's treatment was simply the worst treatment in her life.

First Junhua wanted to kill him, then Zhu Er Er beat him, and now even his father is using him.

Thinking of this, An Baozhu suddenly felt that the future was bleak, "No, you stinky old man uses me like this, there must be a next time, no, I have to think of a way."

Soon An Baozhu's eyes had a glint of light, and her face was also distorted, but there were tears in those eyes.

At this moment, when Mrs. An heard her daughter crying, she ran in. When she saw her daughter crying like a rabbit's eyes, she immediately felt distressed.

"Mother's baby, who is bullying you? Let mother see." As soon as Mrs. An entered the room, she hurriedly walked up to An Baozhu and comforted her. Are you crying, you are too much to be a sister-in-law, you don't even come to comfort my sister-in-law when she is crying, "

Seeing that her daughter seemed to have been wronged, Mrs. An immediately yelled at Sanniang An who was working outside at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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