pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 256 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 256 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (8)
As soon as I heard my mother-in-law's cry, I immediately put down the hurt work at hand and walked in, but at this moment her face looked haggard, especially that face was even older.

"Mother, I'm working. I didn't know that Baozhu was crying. Baozhu, don't cry. Why don't sister-in-law cook something delicious for you?" For this baby in the family, Sanniang of the An family shouldn't offend her at all, especially in An's house. The old lady was even more afraid in front of her.

"Go away, the dirty one touched my clothes, can you afford to pay for it if it gets dirty?" Seeing An Jia Sanniang's callused hands about to touch her, An Baozhu immediately let out a sharp look cry.

And when the An family's third mother heard An Baozhu's words, she pursed her lips and pinched everything fiercely with her hands, her eyes were wet with grievances, but at this moment An Baozhu still refused to let her go.

"Sister-in-law is a woman like you, and she is also worthy to be my third brother's sister-in-law. I am thinking now, did you defeat my third brother? This is why my third brother went to the border. Get out of here quickly, see I feel sick when I see you,"

An Baozhu was never polite to An Jia San Niang, and she suffered a lot of grievances today, so An Jia San Niang naturally became a punching bag.

Especially when thinking of An Tietian, An Baozhu's resentment towards An's Sanniang increased a bit. At this moment, she believed that it was An's Sanniang who restrained An Tietian, and she was the one who caused An Tietian to have trouble.

"Okay you little bitch, let me tell you that Tie Tian has been going smoothly all the way, why did this happen? So it's all your fault, little bitch, I won't beat you to death, old lady," said Mrs. An When he heard An Baozhu's words, he suddenly felt enlightened.

So she greeted An Jia Sanniang to get up, and An Baozhu, who was by the side at the moment, was naturally not idle, after all, she also had a fire in her heart to vent at this moment, so she also started to attack An Jia Sanniang.

"Mother, please let me go, this really has nothing to do with me, it really has nothing to do with me, mother, please let me go, oh,,,," the third mother of the An family said tearfully at this moment, but the voice But he didn't dare to cry out loud, for fear of attracting more vicious beatings and scolding.

And when Mrs. An heard An's Sanniang's words, she immediately became even more angry, "You are still reasonable, I told you to talk back, told you, could it be that Baozhu wronged you?"

As he said that, he greeted An's Sanniang with hands and feet, and at this moment, An's Sanniang immediately understood how Anshi felt that day, or understood that it was simply empathy.

Back then, Anshi was beaten and scolded just like this moment, but he was powerless, because there was no one who could help him, and no one would help him.

Thinking about the grievances in An's Sanniang's eyes became more and more intense, she didn't know, why did Mrs. An and An Baozhu treat her like this?Did she do something wrong?Why do you do this to yourself?
At this moment, after An Baozhu and Mrs. An had beaten someone, they were very angry, so they said to the third wife of the An family, "What are you doing here in a daze? I haven't seen you going to work. For a while, those firewood, if you are eating If you haven’t gotten it out before, don’t even think about eating today.”

As he said that, he kicked An Jia San Niang in the abdomen, and at this moment, An Jia San Niang silently got up from the ground, but there was a trace of hatred in her eyes, she bit her lip to stop crying , because crying is probably useless in this family.

And when An Baozhu saw An's Sanniang go out, she had a disgusted look on her face, "Mother, why do you keep this woman at home, it's a waste of food at all,"

(End of this chapter)

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