pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 257 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 257 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (9)
He said it as if he was of great use, and when Mrs. An heard it, she patted An Baozhu and said back, "Silly girl, if she leaves, who will work for us? Look at the part now She doesn't do all the work, if she leaves, why don't you go wash clothes and cook?"

And when An Baozhu heard Mrs. An's words, she shook her head subconsciously. She didn't want to wash clothes and cook, because it would hurt her hands, and her face would turn into a yellow-faced woman, so she didn't want to. Go to work, she will be Mrs. Qian.

"Mom, you love me, don't you?" An Baozhu hugged Old Madam An and said, "You won't hurt me, right?"

At this moment, An Baozhu really wanted to know, did Mrs. An know that her father used her to harm others, and if Mrs. An even used her, what should she do?
"Smelly girl, don't you feel sorry for whom do you feel sorry for?" Old lady An said with a smile, but at this moment, An Baozhu has never seen how forced her smile is, and she has never seen that complicated gaze of old lady An .

"Well, I knew you loved me the most, Mom," An Baozhu was happy when she heard Old Madam An's words. At this moment, Mother still loves her, as long as she knows this.

"Mother, you will help me, right?" An Baozhu said to Mrs. An when she thought that her mother still felt sorry for her. When Mrs. An heard this, she might feel guilty, so she compared nodded.

Soon An Baozhu murmured in Granny An's ear, but when Granny An heard her daughter's words, she disapproved in her expression. After all, this kind of thing was too scandalous.

"Mother, you just said that you love me, but now you don't want to, oh, mother, think about it, Junhua and I will make rice and cook mature rice. When the time comes, Junhua will have to marry even if he doesn't want to marry. At that time, I will be able to enter the mansion as a concubine. After I enter the door, I will be sure to be a wife. Mother, think about it. After I become a concubine, people in this village in Pingcun, and that If you dare to laugh at us, you are saying that at that time, An's group of people will be killed if I want to, and the beautiful garden and money at this moment will not be your mother's, "

Seeing Mrs. An's expression, An Baozhu hurriedly said, and when Mrs. An heard her daughter's words, she nodded, obviously agreeing with what An Baozhu said just now.

After all, An Baozhu's words at the moment were very tempting. When she thought of An Xin's new house, Mrs. An, she immediately became greedy. She wanted the garden early in the morning.

And when An Baozhu got Granny An's consent, a flash of madness flashed in her eyes, hmph, no matter what, Junhua is going to decide.

At this moment, Sanniang Anjia, who had just walked out to work, suddenly felt a stomachache after walking a few steps. When she felt the pain in her stomach, Sanniang Anjia suddenly showed a look of panic on her face.

"I said, brother and sister, what are you doing standing here? You want to be beaten again," and at this time, the An family's aunt who came out of another room, saw the An family's third mother standing there clutching her stomach, and said sarcastically .

After what happened to An Tietian, the status of the An family's third mother has plummeted at this moment. As long as the whole person can bully her, the An family's aunt at this moment will naturally not let go of this idea of ​​making things worse.

"You really know that your mother and sister don't want to see you, but you just don't know how to be a good boy. You put on that face all day long. Who do you really think you are? It's still the old lady, I told you You, you are nothing now, hurry up and work for me, because we are starving, I have you to look at the stone, "

(End of this chapter)

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