pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 258 An Family's 3 Mothers Miscarriage

Chapter 258 The third mother of the An family had a miscarriage (10)
Speaking of which, Madam An spit out a mouthful of melon seeds, and her face was full of disgust. This third sibling is just like the second sibling, so what can they do if they are good-looking?It's not like working every day.

Women are naturally jealous, and Madam An is no exception. After all, when she was not married, she was just a flower, but after she got married, she found that she was just like grass.

Especially when she saw that An's and An's Sanniang entered the door one after another, their little faces became more and more juicy, and she suddenly became even more unfair.

Why is she working so hard here to become a yellow-faced woman, while they are happy and happy there, reaping the fruits of their years of hard work, some of which Auntie An can't help but hate.

But fortunately, these two siblings are soft-tempered and can be controlled by themselves, which makes Aunt An's heart feel better, but at this moment, Aunt An's mother has not noticed that the third mother of An's face is already as pale as paper.

"Sister-in-law, please find a doctor for me, sister-in-law." At this moment, the third mother of the An family did not pay attention to what the mother of the An family said, but begged, "Sister-in-law, please find a doctor for me. I have a stomachache. Please, sister-in-law." up,"

At this moment, the Anjia Sanniang felt a burst of colic in her stomach, which made her face turn blue and pale, especially the sweat on her forehead, which flowed down like a spring.

"Looking for a doctor, you have a good idea. Now that the family is almost out of food, where is the spare money to find a doctor for you? If you don't hurry up and work, don't pretend to be sick and be lazy here, or the mother and the little girl will be in trouble soon." If I see it, I will beat you up again."

Aunt An's family was not in a good mood, she thought it was good to find a doctor, and she wanted to see a doctor because she had a stomachache, so if she wanted to eat meat, would she be hungry and have meat to eat?

"Sister-in-law," Anjia Sanniang quickly supported the wall beside her, her whole face was filled with distorted pain, and she kept comforting herself at this moment, no, no, no such Coincidentally, definitely not.

"I said you don't really have any problems, right?" When she saw Sanniang An supporting the wall, Aunt An walked up to her and said, after all, looking at Sanniang An's back at this moment, it really does seem to be in pain look like.

And when Mrs. An walked up to Sanniang An, when she saw her bloodless face, she immediately felt a little worried. After all, Sanniang An's haggard and pale appearance at this moment was almost like a ghost.

And in the next second, when she saw the blood continuously flowing out from the corner of her Anjia Sanniang's skirt, she panicked and said, "Sanniang, you left blood, what the hell are you doing?"

After all, being the sister-in-law of Duo Niang, although An Jia's aunt usually hated An's San Niang, she felt a little sincere at this moment, especially when she saw An's San Niang's expression, she hurriedly yelled.

"Something happened to the head of the mother's house, come out quickly, mother," he said, and prepared to go back to the room to call for someone, "San Niang, please order a ninja, I'll go and call for help right now."

After speaking, he hurriedly ran into the room, and at the moment he was chatting with An Baozhu, how to get Junhua to recruit An Baozhu and Mrs. An next.

As soon as she heard the panicked voice of Aunt An's family, she couldn't help but come out to have a look. "Why are you screaming and screaming? If you disturb the old man, you will be skinned in a while,"

As soon as she saw the An family's aunt, Mrs. An, she didn't speak well, and there was a touch of anger on her face. This daughter-in-law is impatient and has no sense of proportion. She hates it when she sees it, but her temper is quite what I want.

(End of this chapter)

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