pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 293 The Dark Hand 2

Chapter 293
At this moment, An Qiao nodded while supporting An Xin, and then left with An Shi, and she couldn't stay here at this moment, but she was a bit complicated with An Shitou.

After all, it was useless for An Shitou to bully her less in the past, but now that An Shitou really died, An Qiao was a little sad, with tightness in his chest.

"Mother, are you and sister waiting here?" Soon An Xin saw a place outside the front of An's yard that had already been stained red with blood, An Xin couldn't help frowning.

Soon An Xin walked over, and when An Shi and An Qiao heard this, they were naturally worried about An Xin going alone, but when An Xin walked to the corner, when she saw the stairs, she couldn't help it. He frowned.

"This ladder?" An Xin looked at the ladder, feeling a little strange for some reason, there were cut marks in all directions, and these marks had already been intentionally covered up at this moment, but An Xin still could see it.

An Xin looked at An Jia in surprise, a flash of shock flashed in her eyes, who the hell is this?Even if An Shitou hates a teenage child in delusion, he is a child after all. These people are too cruel.

Soon An Xin thought of someone, could it be Jun Hua?It shouldn't be, soon An Xin shook her head, Jun Hua still entrusted An's family to herself to deal with, it is impossible for him to intervene in this matter at this moment.

"Did something happen to Xin'er?" When An Qiao saw An Xin's face, he wiped away his tears and asked, she didn't understand why An Xin came here to check?

"It's okay, it's just a little strange, mother, let's go back," An Xin shook her head and said, she didn't tell An Qiao what she found, but left with An Shi and An Qiao.

It's just that there is already a situation in An Xin's mind at this moment. At this moment, she has to find a way to figure out who is going to kill An Shitou?
Or maybe An Shitou's death was an accident this time, but the murderer's real goal was someone else, but who was the goal in her mind?
And when they got home, An Qiao and An Shi lost their appetite. After all, when they saw the bloody scene of An Shitou, they were still thinking about eating at this moment.

Although An Xin is not as serious as An Shi and An Qiao, she also lacks the mood to eat, but she still stayed by the side in the past, but at this moment she saw An Youcai, and she crawled on the table .

"Uncle Li, I still want,,, delicious,,, the first bite is spicy, but the latter is sweet," An Youcai murmured at this moment, and the blurred hand was still in the mouth. Constantly groping around.

"Ahem,,, Miss An, it's not Uncle Li's fault. Uncle Li just let him take a sip. I didn't expect him to drink half of my bottle of wine after taking a sip. Don't be angry," said An Xin His face turned black, so Master Li swallowed and said.

After all, at this moment, he also realized that he had really caused trouble, "Anxin, there are still a lot of things to do on the construction site just now, I'll go back first,"

After saying that, he ran away, afraid that An Xin would be furious in the next second. At that time, he couldn't bear to eat and walked away.

Seeing Master Li running fast, An Xin sighed, and gritted her teeth fiercely, "Hmph, wait until I greet you well next time,"

An Xin was a little annoyed that Master Li gave An Youcai a drink. After all, An Youcai was only nine years old at the moment, it would be very hurtful to drink at this time, and she didn't want An Youcai to become an alcoholic.

(End of this chapter)

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