pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 294 The Dark Hand 2

Chapter 294
An Xin at this moment has made up her mind that she must keep An Youcai away from Master Li in the future. Thinking about An Xin, she looked at An Youcai with an angry smile, especially when he looked like a puppy. , Suddenly he was angry and laughed again.

"The next time you dare to eat recklessly, brat, I'll beat you," and he remembered that time alive. After all, the two of them are about the same height, and it's still a bit difficult for An Xin to be An Youcai at this moment.

"Sister, don't marry, if you are talented, don't marry your sister..." At this moment, An Xin heard An Youcai muttering somewhere, and there was a slight wetness on her shoulders.

"Father doesn't want us anymore, grandpa and grandma hate us too, sister please don't want us, don't marry..." Hearing An Youcai's murmurs one after another, An Xin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, An Youcai was probably afraid, afraid that he and An Qiao would no longer want him like An Youwei and Mrs. An, that's why he never felt uneasy when he was dreaming.

An Youwei, An Youwei, do you know how many people you have harmed because of your selfish desires? How about An Qiao being ridiculed by the people in the village chief? I will get my debt back.

"Woo,,,, sister,,, don't go, woo,,," before hearing anyone's reply, An Youcai began to cry in a low voice.

And when An Xin saw this, she walked away with An Youcai behind her back and said, "Youcai is good, my sister won't leave, I will keep it for the rest of my life."

Maybe An Xin's voice played an effect, An Youcai slowly crawled on An Xin's back and fell into a deep sleep. to his room.

After all, isn't An's feeling agitated at this moment, it's better to let her calm down first, and as for An Youcai, let him sleep in his room first and talk.

And after settling down with An Youcai, An Xin went out to pack her things, and soon after packing her things, she took out the pork belly under her body and used it to make bacon.

He had seen people make bacon before, but he had only seen people make it, and he didn't know if it was good or not. He quickly scraped off the remaining hair on the pork skin with a knife, and then cut it into pieces.

The pieces of meat cut with peace of mind are without strips, that is, long strips with a width of [-] cm. Some small eyes are pricked on the meat with bamboo sticks to facilitate the taste. As for the spices, first stir-fry the peppercorns, then add salt Stir-fry hot, pour out and let cool.

The bacon was seasoned soon, and this time, the soy sauce was poured down desperately for Anxin. After all, I heard someone say that making bacon requires a lot of soy sauce. After filling the soy sauce, Anxin never touched it. Instead, let it develop here.

And after An Xin got everything done, An Shi also woke up, but there was a faint sadness between her brows.

But when he looked at An Xin, he still smiled, "Erya is tired, let me and your sister make dinner for tonight, you go and have a rest first."

When he saw those marinated bacon, An Shi knew that An Xin probably made it while he was sleeping, but it looked pretty good.

"Well, but mother, don't be sad. After all, life and death are determined by wealth and honor. We can't force it. This is An Shitou's life." Seeing An's sympathetic look, An Xin quickly comforted her. .

But in my heart, I was thinking about whether I should go to An's house to check when I was waiting for the night. After all, An Shitou's death this time might be done on purpose by others.

(End of this chapter)

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