pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 788 Discovering Roses

Chapter 788 Discovering Roses (2)
After all, An Youcai also knows that his skills are much better than his half bucket of water, and if he is in danger at this moment, I am afraid that An Youcai's presence will only drag him down, so this protection is guaranteed. In the end, I'm afraid I don't know who will protect whom?
"Sister, don't drive me away. People are just curious and want to go into the mountains to have a look. Sister, just let me in. At worst, I'll stay with you all the time. Don't go there, okay?" , An Youcai shook An Xin's hands.

He had heard early in the morning that there are many interesting places on this mountain, so how could she not take a good look at it today? Don't know how to sneak in?
At this moment, An Youcai decided that if An Xin refused to let him in, she would sneak in to have a look after a while. Anyway, it should be no problem to escape with her own lightness.

"You, if my sister refuses at this moment, will you go back obediently?" When she saw An Youcai's twinkling eyes, An Xin knew that this brat had already had an idea in his heart at this moment. .

Even if I really chased people away, I would still quietly follow after a while. Instead of letting this brat go into the mountain alone, I might as well take it with me. Doing so is also childish and has a protective effect.

"Sister, are you really willing to take me into the mountains? It's so high thinking. My sister is finally willing to take me with me." Facing An Xin's promise, An Youcai felt a little silly at once, but soon shouted happily , why didn't he think of it?An Xin actually agreed.

"Okay, don't be complacent, although I let you follow, but if you are talented, don't run too far away, or my sister will get angry, so come quickly," An Xin shook her head when she saw An Youcai laughing out loud. road.

But even though it's an adventure at this moment, when she sees An Youcai's smile, An Xin thinks it's worth it. After all, this An You is her own brother, and besides him, he is the first person in this world who treats her well , so at this moment, An Xin naturally hopes that An Youcai can be happy.

Soon the two siblings held hands and entered the mountain, and this time they entered the mountain not for food, but to follow the flowers and plants, so every time they walked, An Xinbian would carefully look around.

When An Youcai heard that An Xin asked him to find beautiful flowers, he also searched desperately. When he saw the wild flowers, he would carefully dig them out with a small hoe and put them in An Xin's basket Inside.

When entering the mountain, An Xin and An Youcai encountered many dangers. Although it is spring now, it is just the beginning of spring after all. Many small animals have not woken up yet, while some carnivores have already woken up. Come to find food.

Because of the lack of food, many carnivores will look for it on the Internet, and at this moment, An Xin and An Youcai have encountered tigers and other carnivores.

Fortunately, the two of them are not weak in kung fu, so when they encounter these dangerous animals, they will use lightness to climb trees. Anyway, tigers can't climb trees, so it is naturally the safest to be on trees.

Searching and searching, just like this morning passed, during this morning, An Xin found a lot of wild flowers and fruit trees, and now after finding these wild flowers, An Xin put all the wild flowers in this basket, Of course, some wildflowers have entered into the viewing space.

"Sister, are you going to take all these flowers home and plant them?" Because of a busy day, An Xin and An Youcai killed the hares that had been hunted and roasted them to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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