pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 789 Discovering Roses

Chapter 789 Discovering Roses (3)
But at this moment, An Youcai was a little puzzled and said, he didn't understand why An Xin went to the mountains to pick wild flowers, after all, if An Xin wanted flowers, he could go to Cheng Nei to find them.

"Don't ask about it. You will know when my sister is done." Because she was worried that people would talk too much, An Xin didn't say anything about the cosmetics at this moment. Although she believed in An Youcai, but at this moment An Youcai is still a child after all, and he doesn't understand many things when he is not deeply involved in the world, so he is easy to be abducted by others.

That's why An Xin is hiding it from her at this moment, but An Qiao doesn't know something. After all, every time An Xin is making skin care products, An Qiao is always by An Xin's side, and An Qiao is old. Some, naturally know how to measure.

At this moment, An Xin intends to focus her business on skin care products and clothing. Of course, An Xin will not let go of other businesses. After all, no one would foolishly give up the opportunity to make money.

And when An Youcai heard it, although he was a little disappointed, he soon recovered, and after the two of them ate something big, they started looking for it again.

And when An Xin was waiting for someone to go home, although she had dug up a lot of flowers, they were not what An Xin wanted. After all, An Xin wanted to go to the mountain to see the roses. After all, the roses were her favorite flowers. So at this moment, An Xin wanted to find her favorite rose.

But at this moment, it seemed that the rose was about to fail, and soon An Xin took An Youcai to prepare to go home. Pick a lot of flowers there.

When she saw the flower picking, An Xin felt a little dazed. It seems that the flower picking season has never arrived, right?

However, Anxin soon realized that the seasons of this era have already changed from the seasons of his own era, so it would not be surprising to see the flower picking at this moment.

Soon An Xin walked into the peach blossoms. When she smelled the faint fragrance of pick flowers, An Xin suddenly felt refreshed, and she didn't know if it was her illusion, but she found that the pick flowers here were extraordinarily Gorgeous, beautiful, bewitching, treacherous, with a touch of bloodthirsty beauty.

It's just that An Youcai is not as refreshed as An Xin at this moment, because at this moment An Youcai is looking at An Xin with a pale face, and his whole body is trembling, "Sister, let's go back, hurry up, There are a lot of dead people here. Sister,,,,"

When An Youcai saw An Xin among the peach blossoms, he was startled, and when his eyes fell on the graves around him, he screamed in horror.

And when An Xin heard An Youcai's call, she suddenly came to her senses, and then subconsciously looked around, dead?Are there dead people here?
However, when she saw that there were graves all around, An Xin immediately swallowed her saliva, this is really a ghost place, thinking that even if it was An Xin, she could not help but swallow her saliva, she really wanted to step on other people's graves up.

Seeing these, An Xin shivered immediately, she is a fool, but at this moment, An Xin suddenly saw a blue flower on the grave, although it was a bud, An Xin still recognized it with a single glance. Out.

When she saw the blue flower bud, An Xin suddenly became happy. At this moment, she was not afraid because she was on the grave, the only thing left was only excitement. This is the blue rose, and there are two beautiful flowers Pretty.

As soon as she saw the blue rose, An Xin took out her small hoe and dug on the grave with a faint smile on her face, but An Youcai, who was behind An Xin at this moment, burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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