pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 806: The head of the chapter may have a chance

Chapter 806: There Will Be a Chance When You Turn Back (3)
Li Yuanwai didn't know the relationship of interests, but Li Fugui knew it very well, because Li Fugui knew it now, so what if An Xin fell out with Shujun today?
In the future, as long as the two parties still have interests, they will eventually become cooperative friends again. At that time, he, the servant who offended her, may be at the end of his life. It doesn't matter to him if the cooperation between the two is successful, he just needs to hold the idea of ​​​​nothing owed.

Don't offend An Xin, and don't betray the calligrapher. Even if An Xin cooperates with the calligrapher this time, he can get away completely. In fact, there is a possibility that An Xin can get what he wants. of.

And when Li Yuanwai heard Li Fugui's words, he nodded blankly. The words were a bit profound, but he also remembered them. After all, what his cousin said must be true and he just listened to it.

And An Xin on this side went back to Ping Village with Xie Haitian after leaving Xiangmanlou. After returning to Ping Village, he first went to see how the progress was on the mountain. Only when he saw the mountain did he open up a piece of wasteland. An Xin let out a sigh.

If you think about the time when high technology was developed, it would only take a few days for this small mountain to open up wasteland, but at this moment in ancient times, it has been nearly half a month since it was panicked, and it is only about one mu of land completely intact. All land reclamation, how long will it take for all land reclamation?
After watching the land reclamation, An Xin returned home, took a shower and slept, and the days passed quickly at this moment, and the tenth day of the lunar new year came soon, but on the day of the first tenth day, there was a rumor in the county government that Here comes the news.

Speaking of Li's family being convicted, all the men in the family were sent to the frontier, while the women were served as slaves, but this An family was acquitted and released because of peace of mind.

On the day she was acquitted, An Xin went to see her, but she never told An Shi to go home, she just looked at An Shi coldly and let An Shi make her own choice.

In the empty prison, there were only An Xin and An Shi at this moment. An Shi looked at this indifferent daughter, and opened his mouth for a moment, not knowing what to say?
That's how people are. Only after losing them can they know what is the most important thing, and it's the same with An's at this moment. After An's lost her children, only then did she know what she really wanted?
What she wants is very simple, just a home, she wants a family to be together happily, but this home was almost destroyed by her knowledge, and at this moment she also realizes how much she had in that day wrong.

She knew that the person who was hurt the most at this moment was Erya, not An Qiao, so An Xin hoped that An Xin could forgive her, but she didn't know that it was already too late for An Xin to forgive her. Since Arya has already left, even if she forgives, what's the use?

"Erya's mother knew she was wrong, can you forgive mother, Erya's mother really knew she was wrong," An said looking at An Xin, she wanted to go home, she had had enough of her life in this prison, she missed that home.

She really misses that warm home, that well-behaved An Qiao, and that coquettish one, and especially that stubborn and filial talent. At this moment, she regrets that she shouldn't be ruined because of her own selfishness. After leaving that home, is there still a chance at this moment?

"Sorry, I don't have the right. If you want to go home, then go home," An Xin pushed An's hand away, looked at An's eyes without much wavering, as if the person in front of her was just a stranger people only.

(End of this chapter)

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