pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 807: The head of the chapter may have a chance

Chapter 807: There Will Be a Chance When You Turn Back (4)
And when An Shi heard An Xin's words, she was not only unhappy, but also panicked. She could go home, why was she still so sad?

Especially when he saw his daughter's indifferent eyes, An Shi suddenly felt as if a piece of his heart had been hollowed out, as if he had lost something important?It makes people feel uncomfortable, as if they are about to suffocate.

"Wuwu,,, Erya, don't be like this, please don't be like this, can you call me mother, please don't treat mother like this?" Facing An Xin's indifference, An's heart flustered, at this moment Maybe it's the heart-to-heart relationship between mother and daughter, she found that the Erya in front of her was so strange, really so strange.

At the beginning of An Xin's crossing, even if An Xin has changed a lot, there is still a light in the depths of her eyes, but it has disappeared at this moment. The complicated and sad eyes have disappeared. Completely gone.

At this moment, Anshi knows, she knows that the child in front of her may never call her mother for the rest of her life, and even if she does, it won't be from the bottom of her heart. A child, but now she turns around, is there any chance to correct her?
"I called your mother, what can you do? Even if you really become my mother, you will cherish it. An's has missed a lot. It's not a mistake but a past. What's past is something that can't be helped in a lifetime." Looking back, many things cannot be forgiven with an apology." If a single apology can dissolve all the hatred and resentment, then there will be no murderers and criminals in this world.

The reason why they are murderers is because they kill people. It's not that they can get forgiveness from the society by saying I'm sorry, nor can the parents of the person concerned not hate him by saying that I was wrong, so many things are wrong. After that, what happened, there is no way to go back and change it.

And when An Shi heard An Xin's words, her whole body immediately froze on the ground, and if she missed it, she came over. Could it be that there was really no way to turn back, but her Er Ya was clearly in front of her eyes, why did she realize at this moment that Er Ya Ya is so far away, so far away that I can't get close.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It's my mother's fault. At the beginning, my mother was scolded by An's family for giving birth to you, so I have resentment towards you. It's my mother's fault. My mother clearly knows that you are innocent." , It’s just that I can’t help but blame you, mother knows that doing this is annoying, but mother can’t do anything about it, at that time mother just wanted to find a place to vent, mother really loves you, just,,,” just let This hatred blinded her eyes, she couldn't see the way ahead, she was really wrong.

Because she was wronged by An's family, she vented all her grievances on her daughter. She knew that this kind of behavior was very wrong, but she couldn't control her heart, especially when she saw An Youwei's attitude towards her. At that time, she resented Erya's existence even more.

Because if it wasn't Erya who was born, would everything be different, would her status in An's family get better, and would An Youwei treat herself the same as before?she does not know?

It was because of this unknown factor that she blamed everything on her young daughter, but at this moment she didn't expect that if she really complained, she didn't expect that her young daughter would know about it.

After An Xin knew everything clearly, she felt guilty and ashamed, especially when she heard An Xin's words and faced the four walls in the prison, she just woke up.

It turns out that I was already so wrong back then, that I actually hurt those three children out of selfishness, and for the sake of my mother's family, I actually abandoned the family that really loved me, she was really wrong up.

(End of this chapter)

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