pastoral peasant girl in space

812 Chapter 5 Defrauding People

812 Chapter 5 Defrauding People ([-])
"Second son of the book, you are really a strange person. If you memorize four or five sets, why do you let this girl eat? The four or five sets you looked at are worth 1 taels. Brother, do you know the 1 taels?" What can I do? She can let me buy countless maids and servants, and she can also let me buy a lot of gardens, but now you say, it’s just four or five sets, so you want to remember them all. "At this moment, An Xin was so angry that his face turned red.

I jumped up from the chair, then pointed at Shujun and said, "It seems that what I said, girl, is right. Everyone in your calligrapher family is uneasy and kind. I think I am ashamed of you, girl. Young master is a good person, I didn't expect that you are not a good person, even if you cheat me all day long, you should get out of here quickly, and you will come again in the future."

There was a touch of anger on his face as he spoke, and when Shu Jun saw this, he quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Miss An, listen to me first, it's just a slip of the tongue in the next moment, don't take it to heart, my servant I'm here to discuss business, not to make enemies, Miss An, calm down, I'll return the goods at worst, can you just give me the money?"

When he saw that An Xin wanted to sever the relationship completely, this Shujun was also very anxious. If he messed up this time, the girl might ask for 3000 taels next time.

So at this moment, Shujun quickly agreed to An Xin's request, but when An Xin heard it, there was a look of concern on his face, "Humph, you agreed, but I agreed, and I tell you, I won't buy these 2000 taels." Oh, maybe you're going to design me girl soon, woo woo,,, you people are black-hearted, even little girls are also planning, don't be afraid to say it out, if there is a thunderbolt today, get out of here, and you will also get out in the future Don’t come here anymore, I’ll use those blueprints as firewood, and I won’t let you ruin them.”

As he said that, the little eyes dropped golden beans, and when Shu Jun saw An Xin burst into tears, he immediately said, "Miss An has something to talk about, please calm down first, at most you can say it, what do you want?" What do you want? Let's discuss it carefully,"

Shu Jun, who had never seen a girl cry, suddenly became flustered at this moment, and he said, what is the most annoying thing about this child, especially this little girl, that is even more annoying.

"I don't want anything? But my new house has no furniture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I want beautiful furniture, but I didn't expect,,, you are all liars, you are all liars,,,"

But at this moment, An Xin said half and half was sobbing, and the crying appearance made people feel heartbroken, especially when the small eyes suddenly became red and swollen, even this Shujun gave birth to a baby in a short while. An illusion comes,

When he saw those red eyes, Shu Jun immediately thought that what he had done was a heinous thing, and his heart was about to be broken by those little eyes.

"Okay, you want furniture, right? I'll give you furniture. It's okay for you to be beautiful. I'll give you beautiful ones. Don't cry, calm down. People will think I'm bullying you later," As soon as Shu Jun heard that An Xin wanted furniture, he nodded and said, and when An Xin heard it, he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

There was disbelief in those red eyes, "You really want to give me furniture, you won't lie to me?"

And when Shujun heard it, he nodded. Anyway, a set of furniture is worth a hundred taels of silver at most, so it doesn't matter if you give it to her, as long as the girl stops crying and quickly brings the furniture picture.

(End of this chapter)

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