pastoral peasant girl in space

813 Chapter 6 Defrauding People

813 Chapter 6 Defrauding People ([-])
Nima, let alone talk about the price at this moment, this bookmaker doesn't want to see this peace of mind at all. After all, the current situation is changeable, and this girl may change her mind in the next second, which almost killed him.

"Second brother Shu, you are so kind, but if we pull the hook, whoever repents will be a puppy, and he will never be able to tell his son for the rest of his life." Well, it is good, this son becomes an elder brother, but the latter sentence is a bit penetrating. , This poisonous oath, it must be a poisonous oath, not a pull hook.

Can't have a son?Shujun frowned immediately when he heard the reassuring words, isn't this just a set of furniture, why did he make such a vicious oath?

But when he saw An Xin, when he saw that he was crying again when he hadn't acted for a long time, he quickly hooked An Xin's little finger with his little finger, and soon the two hooked up.

It's just that Shujun didn't know at this moment, he was not pulling hooks, but the rhythm of selling himself. When Shujun got those furniture pictures, he took a deep breath, Nima, originally The one who wanted to deceive the picture of the furniture did not expect to let the girl deceive a set of furniture instead.

At this moment, the more Shu Jun thinks about it, the more he suffers, but the pull hooks are all pulled, and he is too embarrassed to go back on his word. When he took the pictures of the ten sets of furniture, this Shu Jun felt like crying without tears.

This picture is a good picture, and the design is not bad. Well, now the business in the family is guaranteed, but the cheating ones are also losing money. This 2000 tael set is not a loss.

"Second Brother Shu, I would like to thank Second Brother Shu for all the furniture in the new house of An Xin's family." At this moment, An Xin had a bright smile on his face. It is the gaze that sees gold.

And when Shujun heard An Xin's words, he frowned and said, "Don't worry, I will send you the furniture after it's finished," but halfway through the conversation, he realized that something was wrong. Why is it the new house? furniture?

"Second brother An Xinshu is talking about a set of furniture. You need to understand that this is a set of furniture." Feeling that something was wrong with An Xin's words, Shujun pointed it out, and when An Xin heard it, he blinked his eyes innocently. looked at him.

"Brother Shu, you can't have a son. An Xin has already said that it is the furniture of the new house, and it is the furniture that An Xin painted herself," he said, looking at Shu Jun with contempt on his face, with a smile on his face. , The appearance of lying to a child.

And when Shujun saw it, he immediately roared, new house?Her feelings don't mean one thing, feelings are all the furniture in this garden, Nima has dozens of sets.

"Anxin, you listen to the second brother of the book. You must have misheard. Just now the second brother of the book said that this is a set, a set of furniture, not the furniture of the new house." He can make decisions on one set, but the garden If all the furniture in the house is given away for nothing, I'm afraid he won't let the big brother eat it alive when he goes back.

I bought this piece of furniture for 2000 taels, and I’m sure I’m going to be skinned when I go back, but now I’m being cheated out of a garden of furniture, and I’m sure my family will be beaten to pieces. This is the rhythm of a prodigal family.

"Well, An Xin understands, Second Brother Shu, you can't give birth to a son, An Xin left," when she heard Shujun's words, An Xin said without looking at him, "Anyway, Second Brother Shu, you want furniture and don't want a son. , so pitiful, with this kind of father, he was abandoned before he was born, "

As he spoke, he rolled his dead fish eyes, and said with emotion, but at this moment Shujun was almost pissed to death, did this girl listen to what she said? Take the inability to give birth to a son as an example?
(End of this chapter)

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