pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 814 Interception

Chapter 814 Interception (1)
Regarding whether to have a son or a ticket, Shu Jun immediately made a choice. After all, in ancient times, this superstition was very effective, so he said it now.

And at this moment, An Xin also saw that Shujun was in a dilemma, so she looked at Shujun with her big watery eyes, but at this moment she had the power of being silent.

Especially when he saw those watery eyes full of enthusiasm and gratitude, the corners of Shujun's mouth twitched slightly, "An Xin, can we have less furniture?"

As he said that, he said cautiously, at this moment the furniture is really given away, I am afraid that if he is not allowed to go home, this elder brother will clean it up on the way.

And when An Xin heard Shu Jun's words, she blinked her eyes, then muttered, shook her head and sighed, "Hey,,, little brother, little brother, your father loves money so much. I don’t want you guys anymore, you are so pitiful, it’s just fine if you don’t come, or you’ll be pissed to death.”

As he spoke, he wiped away his tears, as if he felt sad for others, but when Shujun saw An Xin's move, his face turned dark immediately, "Nimma, don't you just want a few sets of furniture? ? Why do you use my son as a topic, you wait for me to send it to you in the future, "

The mouth is full of pride, but the heart is full of bitterness, this is money, this set of furniture can cost hundreds of taels, this girl An Xin was cheated in the first place, now she cheated more than a dozen sets of furniture, this is so heartbreaking up.

And when An Xin heard Shujun's words, the crescent moon's crooked eyes immediately turned bright, and the smile on Shujun's face was also extraordinarily bright, but it's a pity that Shujun's smile was particularly bitter. .

"Second brother Shu, you are really a good person, woo woo,,,," and rubbed his nose and tears in Shujun's arms as he said that, anyway, she was still a child, even if she did something, it would be impossible for her to do anything. Nothing will happen.

And when Shu Jun saw the shiny things on his clothes, he quickly pulled away An Xin, "Damn girl, you really want to disgust me to death, right? You really hold grudges, girl."

As he spoke, he felt his teeth itch. At this moment, he understood how Li Yuanwai was treated. From the very beginning, he heard what Li Fugui said, saying that the girl is very vengeful. On the surface, she will be friendly with you, but secretly Often overcast.

And at this moment, Shujun knew that Li Fugui was really the Emperor of Truth, and An Xin was a devil at all. It didn't matter if he cheated on the 2000 taels of furniture, but also cheated on the furniture in his hands.

But at this moment, he had to give it, because he didn't want to make it impossible for him to have a son in the future just because of these dozen sets of furniture. Although this might be a joke, for wealthy families like them, it was absolutely necessary. Never kidding.

You must know that not to mention the rare sons of rich and noble families, even these poor people are very serious about patriarchy. In their eyes, daughters can be sold to raise sons.

And when the daughter was about to die of illness, the parents would never think of selling their son to save their daughter. This shows how patriarchal this is, and this patriarchal idea has not changed much since ancient times .

After hearing Shujun's promise, An Xin hooked Shujun up, making Shujun not regret it. After hooking up with Shujun, An Xin invited Shujun to have dinner at home, and when Shujun heard time, but shook his head.

He said that he would not stay for dinner. After all, he got the furniture map at this moment, so he had to hurry back to the capital to make a business trip. Although the furniture map was much higher than his budget, the most important thing at this moment was to make a business trip .

(End of this chapter)

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