pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 816 Interception

Chapter 816 Interception (3)
He didn't say the most important sentence. The most important thing was that he wanted to see if An Xin would hide Xue Ran or keep it because she was moved when she saw Xue Ran coming to look for her.

"By the way, Jin Yan, you should send more people. On the way to and from the capital, once you see Xueran, you can take him back without saying a word. If he doesn't go back, you just knock him out and drag him away." Soon this Jun Hua said coldly.

Although he wanted to know if An Xin would take Xue Ran in?But at this moment, he didn't want to gamble, to gamble on this unfounded matter, if she really took her in, then Xue Ran's father and his uncle would definitely not keep her, so it's better for him to never know the answer at this moment.

"It's Master Junhua," Jin Yan nodded, but murmured a few words in his heart. The young master really protected the girl. After all, the uncle and the wife wrote many times, and each time they asked this question. Who is An Xin?
I want to know whether my son was seduced by that vixen, but every time Junhua suppressed him, even if later, when the Xue family came, he still let Junhua suppress him. Xue Ran's parents knew that An Xin existed.

So at this moment, he is so protective of Junhua, to be honest, he is a little jealous, and at this moment, An Xin, naturally doesn't know what Junhua has done for him, but walks directly to this shop.

And at this moment, the decoration in the shop almost has a mill, when seeing the decoration, An Xin asked Senior Brother Qin to make a small shelf for the goods for himself.

And after discussing the design of the small shelf with Senior Brother Qin, An Xin entered the room, and at this moment, Shi Yueran was packing up, and An Xin didn't say anything when she saw Shi Yueran packing up. What?
After all, it has nothing to do with her if she wants to leave, but after looking at Shi Yueran, An Xin went to the warehouse, and took out these two pieces of cloth at this moment. The door closed, and the warehouse was quickly entered.

After leaving the warehouse, An Xin took the cloth to the bullock cart, and then took Xie Haitian to buy some things around. After buying all the supplies, An Xin was ready to go home.

It's just that when An Xin was about to go home, she was blocked by a beautiful woman. When she saw this person blocking the way, An Xin was slightly taken aback. She didn't remember offending this person.

"Bitch girl, I heard that you bought that little bitch's shop, right?" At this moment, the beautiful woman who appeared in front of An Xin pointed at An Xin and said with a smile on her face. An evil spirit and malice.

When An Xin looked at the beautiful woman in gold and silver, she was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that this person is not an embroidery spinner, is she?
Soon An Xin's conclusion was confirmed, "You little girl, do you know what will happen to you if you offend me? You'd better take this shop out obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. You know, in this Xun County, there is no one who dares to fight against our embroidery spinning?"

Speaking of that beautiful woman, she was domineering, and she looked at An Xin as if she was looking at an ant, and she was just a little bit short of being able to speak on An Xin's footsteps.

After all, in her eyes, you are really just an ant, a country girl who has learned how to make money, but in her view, you are basically dirty money earned by using dirty means, how can you make money by skills? yes.

In fact, when this glamorous woman came to look for An Xin, she checked An Xin aside early in the morning, and even found out who she had contacted with. At first, the glamorous woman thought that it was that The lady from a rich family bought the store, but she didn't expect it to be a lowly girl from the countryside.

After knowing that An Xin was just a country girl, this beautiful woman couldn't sit still, and she wanted to find An Xin, but this beautiful woman was arrogant, so she refused to condescend to go to the countryside.

Because she thought that in such a ghostly place, she would lower her status when she got up, so she planned to rob him in the city, but she didn't expect that she would get robbed every time, and today she just said nothing when she heard that An Xin had entered the city Not to mention looking for someone.

But today Yiyi really lived up to expectations and let her catch An Xin, but when she saw An Xin, the beautiful woman became more and more mocking and looked down on her. Even her skin is jealous.

Especially when she was young, but she had already grown into a water spirit, the glamorous woman suddenly felt a sense of disgust. This seductive appearance is indeed a foxy girl, and I don't know how many people's beds she has climbed. You can get the money for those who buy the shop.

Although the glamorous woman checked An Xin, it was only hearsay, so the truth of many things was unclear. This was the fault of checking half and leaving half, so I don't know what An Xin and Junhua are cooperating with?
It's just that An Xin is seducing men. After all, although 12 years old is young, she lives in a poor family, and at this age in a rich family, some little girls have already learned to climb on the young master's bed.

When An Xin heard what this beautiful woman said, she immediately frowned, "I bought this shop in black and white, so if you want it, you can buy it yourself."

It seems that this is the first time she has seen such an arrogant person, who will not say a word to be strong as soon as he comes to the door. This person is really top-notch, but what is the naked jealousy in her eyes?
It seems that besides buying Shi Yueran's shop, I have never done anything to offend her, so why is she acting so jealous and hateful?

(End of this chapter)

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