pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 817 Let the talented go to school

Chapter 817 Let the talented go to school (1)
"I bought this shop in black and white, so if you want it, you can go and buy a new one yourself." If she was showing the shop she got, she would be so stupid.

Not to mention that the people here at this moment are just people who have a little relationship with the Jun family, even if it is really someone from the Jun family who came at this moment, she might not obediently take out the blueprint of the shop.

And when the beautiful woman heard An Xin's words, her complexion darkened immediately, and she looked at An Xin with a gloomy look, "You bitch, do you know who I am? How dare you offend our embroidery spinning mill?" , Are you tired of working, bitch, let me tell you, if you bring this shop, be careful that I want your life, "

As she said that, she laughed arrogantly. When she saw the domineering and arrogant beautiful woman, An Xin immediately felt that it was funny. Didn't she have some relationship with this Jun's family, so she dared to say that she would kill someone on the street? I am not afraid today Not afraid of the earth, with a strong backer behind him, or is he stupid?
And when the glamorous woman saw that An Xin was not talking, she smiled more and more proudly, as if she had seen it, and An Xin saw that she had taken out the contract of the shop.

"You're a lowly girl, otherwise, I'll let you know what it means to be powerful today." After all, in her eyes at this moment, An Xin is nothing more than a bratty girl, so she will naturally be so scared that she will contract the shop if she threatens her a few times. take it out.

"You think beautifully," An Xin sneered sarcastically when she saw the arrogant appearance of this beautiful woman, "I don't care who you are, once I bought this shop, I won't take it out again. You don't want to threaten or threaten, it's a pity that my girl and I just happened to be scared, "

When you're dealing with a shrew, you don't need to be polite to her, because in her opinion, your politeness is soft-hearted, a soft-footed crab who is easy to bully.

At this moment, others are stepping on your head. If you are still polite to her, then you are really a bun and deserve to be bullied. If you don't want to be a bun, then you can only let the other party be a bun to be bullied by you.

"Little bitch, you don't want to toast and eat fine wine. Come and serve my old lady. My old lady wants to see. What kind of skills does this little bitch have? Dare to challenge my embroidery spinning, come here, call my old lady, see Let's see if she will speak hard," he said to the big man behind him.

To know about Shi Yueran's shop, she spent a lot of thought to drive Shi Yueran to a dead end. She didn't expect that she hadn't visited it for a long time, but someone else stepped in first. How could she swallow this shop? tone.

And when the big man behind the beautiful woman heard her words, he quickly surrounded her, and Xie Haitian, who was beside An Xin at the moment, quickly stood in front of An Xin, but my figure was too different Far.

At this moment, Xie Haitian was in front of the two big men, it was like a confrontation between an adult and a child, and soon the big man pushed Xie Haitian away, and Xie Haitian was nimble despite his small size.

But even though he was entangled with a big man so that he couldn't escape, but at this moment another one came to An Xin, when the big man saw An Xin, he immediately pressed his fingers, then smiled and said, " The stinky girl doesn't want to hurt you either, you'd better take out the shop contract yourself, otherwise, that little face will bloom today."

Although the big man obeyed the orders of the beautiful woman, when he saw An Xin's cute appearance, he couldn't bear to draw lines on those pink and tender little faces, so he threatened to remind him at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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