pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 820 Let the talented go to school

Chapter 820 Let the talented go to school (4)
In An Qiao's mind, the only way out for a boy in this era is to study. Only by studying can this man be able to make a breakthrough, so at this moment, An Qiao doesn't want this An Youcai to be with him for the rest of his life. They were equally confused.

"Well, I get it, but Eldest Sister, I will come back to see you every month," An Youcai opened his mouth when he saw the determination on An Qiao's face, he knew what Eldest Sister would decide once.In fact, it is basically the same as what my sister decided, and it is difficult to change. His two sisters are very similar in one place, and they are very stubborn.

And after hearing An Youcai's promise, An Qiao started packing for An Youcai, and An Shi, who came out of the room at the moment, didn't say anything when he saw An Qiao packing his bags. What?
However, An Youcai, who was looking at this side, seemed hesitant to speak, but at the best time, he didn't speak, but put a piece of jade pendant in his hand beside An Youcai.

And when An Youcai saw the jade pendant, he just glanced at it, then picked it up, and walked up to Xiao Yaya, "Little Yaya will bring it to you, it will be good for you, and it will bless you." you"

As she spoke, she hung the jade pendant around the little girl's neck, and when the little girl saw the jade pendant, she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head and smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Brother Talented, Little Yaya likes it very much,"

Although not in An Youcai, why would you give it to yourself?But the little girl was still very happy in her heart. After all, it was given by An Youcai, and An's eyes turned red when she saw An Youcai's behavior, and then gritted her teeth and walked into the room.

This child hates her more than he imagined. At this moment, even her thoughts are not acceptable to him, and he even gave this jade pendant to someone else in front of his own face. This is no doubt for An Shi It's not an injury, it's just who she can blame, it's all her own fault.

At this moment, An Youcai sat back in his seat after rubbing the little girl's head. It seemed that those books were gone, and it was ridiculous to want to be forgiven for doing something wrong.

Thinking of An's past actions, An Youcai's eyes were full of sarcasm. The coldness that did not match his age made him look gloomy. Even if the sarcasm was satirizing the world, it was like irony. An's general.

Of course, An Youcai's change at this moment was only for a moment, and he soon recovered. It seemed that his appearance had nothing to do with a child, as usual, he was a child of about ten years old.

And after An Qiao packed up his things for An Youcai, he didn't bother him anymore, and An Qiao happened to see the scene of An's gifting the jade pendant at this moment, but she didn't say anything when she went.

Even she couldn't forgive An's behavior, let alone her younger brother, An Qiao shook his head when he thought of this, and then went back to his room to rush to make clothes.

And at this moment her clothes belonged to An Youcai, so he planned to make them for An Youcai tonight, and let An Youcai take them to school to wear, and An Xin in the room at the moment was still tinkering with flowers and plants. Every time you fiddle with it, the door will definitely be tightly closed.

Because An Xin told her that this is the secret she used to open the store, so at the beginning, no one should know this secret method, even after the opening, this secret method must be kept secret.

And at the moment, the only person at home who knows that An Xin is working with these flowers and plants is only her. When she knew this, An Qiao smiled. She likes this trust very much. .

(End of this chapter)

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