pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 821 Let the talented go to school

Chapter 821 Let the talented go to school (5)
And after An Qiao finished embroidering the clothes, An Xin also packed up the things on the table, and then hid them all. After hiding, An Xin slept with An Qiao.

After waking up the next day, An Xin and An Qiao took An Youcai into the carriage and headed towards the school. On the way An Xin and An Youcai went to the school, they unexpectedly ran into Li Qinhua.

At this moment, Li Qinhua was walking on the road alone with a burden on his back, and when An Xin saw Li Qinhua, he asked Xie Haitian to stop the ox cart.

Li Qinhua, who was walking alone, might be puzzled when he saw the ox cart suddenly stopped beside him, but when he saw An Xin waiting for someone, he said, "An Xin, we are not on the way, I am going to school , there is a turn ahead, please don't carry me,"

Li Qinhua pointed to the front, he thought that An Xin was going to the city, and he was going to the academy, so it was a three-way intersection.

And when An Xin heard it, she smiled, it was really a coincidence, they just happened to be going to the school, "Come on, we have to send Youcai to the school too,"

Indeed, this is really ape dung, otherwise I would have rushed to the school today, and when Li Qinhua heard what An Xin said, he looked at An Youcai, and when he saw the package beside him, he also guessed that An Xin might be To send him to school.

After seeing that An Xin was going the same way as him, Li Qinhua didn't stop being hypocritical. After all, if he walked this road alone, he might not be able to get to this school until dark. Be polite to An Xin and the others.

Soon Li Qinhua got into the car, and after getting into the car, An Xin asked, "Brother Qinhua, aren't you already a child? Why do you want to go to school?"

Yes, isn't this Li Qinhua a child?How could he go to the school? Even if he wanted to, he shouldn't have gone to this school. To be honest, An Xin really didn't know anything about studying in ancient times, especially about Ziyue.

"I didn't need to go to school this year, but I thought about it. It's always a good thing to go to school to read more. What's more, now that I am a teacher, I can teach and study at the same time." In ancient times, children can become Teacher, of course, this is only the teacher of children like An Youcai.

"Qinhua, you are a teacher, you have to take care of this talented person more in the future," An Qiao said when he heard Li Qinhua's words, after all, she has a teacher, and she feels more at ease looking at An Youcai .

And when Li Qinhua heard it, he nodded, "Sister An Qiao, don't worry, I will help you to look after Youcai, even if you don't tell me, I will still look at him,"

When he heard An Qiao's words, Li Qinhua nodded and said with a smile, in fact, to be honest, this Li Qinhua is much better than that Li Xiucai in terms of temperament and tone of voice.

When Li Xiucai talks, his eyes are above the top and he doesn't look at people at all, but this Li Qinhua is different. He won't look down on you just because you have no knowledge and money. Of course, this Li Qinhua is good at everything, the only bad thing is Machismo is too heavy.

An Qiao looked at An Xin, and then at Li Qinhua. Only then did she realize that Li Qinhua and An Xin were actually a good match, with a few years of age difference. Moreover, Li Qinhua was also a child, and he might become a scholar in a few years. , At that time, it was just right for my sister.

At the moment An Qiao doesn't think that her sister is not good enough for Li Qinhua, after all, in her eyes, her sister is very capable, knows everything and is smart, so it is more than enough for Li Qinhua.

(End of this chapter)

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