pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 823 Prepare to sell someone

Chapter 823 Prepare to sell someone (1)
Soon, An Xin completed the enrollment procedures for An Youcai, and only then did An Xin realize that the tuition fee was really not cheap, it cost tens of taels of silver for one semester, which was quite a scary figure.

If this ordinary family wanted to send a child to school, it would be a waste of money. Even if his child was promising, such as being admitted to a scholar, it would be useless. After all, although there were not many scholars in ancient times, there were not many.

Moreover, everyone who is admitted as a scholar is not willing to condescend to find a job, but all of them want to climb up and pass the exam to a higher-ranking scholar, so the family's money will naturally be wasted.

However, although the tuition fees here are ridiculously expensive, the living conditions are quite good. Everyone has their own room, and of course there are some people who want to live with others. In the past, Li Qinhua lived with three or four people. Pass.

Because those who live together with others, the tuition fee will be about ten taels less, while those who live alone will pay more than ten taels, and the peace of mind at this moment has never made An Youcai crowded with four or five people , but also asked for a two-person room.

After all, it's not good to be too special, so at this moment, An Xin put An Youcai in the middle position, and after arranging An Youcai's place to live, An Xin took An Youcai to the dining hall to have a look.

At this moment, the canteen was already crowded with people, because the school just started these few days, so there were many parents in it at this moment, and soon Li Qinhua introduced the canteen to An Xin.

Everyone in the canteen has their own meal ticket. If you lose this meal ticket, you can only get extra money if you want to eat this semester. At this moment, there are high-level, middle-level and low-level divisions in the canteen. .

The high-level ones are places where powerful and powerful people often go. I didn't expect that those people have money to give to their children, and the middle-level ones are only visited by people like Li Yuanwai.

Although Li Yuanwai is considered the richest man in Lijia Village, he only has a few dollars in other places, so he can't go to that high-end place at all at the moment, after all, there are several taels of silver for a meal there.

But at the moment, the intermediate level is worse, but it also has a lot of meat dishes, but it is much cheaper than the high-level ones, and some rich people will bring book boys, of course, not to mention book boys on Valentine’s Day. It is a blessing to be able to send children to school.

And now there are many children from poor families who work part-time, work for others in the school, and then earn money to study. Of course, for some students with good grades, this school will also give certain help, just like this moment This is the same as Li Qinhua.

Although Li Qinhua's family had some money, it was just enough for him to study. However, later on, Li Qinhua worked hard at school and got good grades, so the school made an exception and raised his salary, but the tuition fee has not changed.

And when An Xin heard Li Qinhua's words, she didn't open her mouth to speak, but shook her head in her heart, this academy will make money.

Soon An Xin and Li Qinhua and others took the money for the food, because the school has not started yet, so today these students also have to take extra money by themselves.

At this moment, the parents of this poor family took out the sesame seed cakes for their children in their own parcels. After all, they didn't have that much money to buy extra meals.

And when An Xin bought the food, he ate at the side seat, and while eating, he saw a lot of people crying around, some because of lack of money, and some because of this I have enough money to go to school, but not enough money for books.

(End of this chapter)

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