Chapter 828
When An Xin saw the matchmaker's gaze, she looked at the woman, and found that the woman was really good-looking, with willow-leaf eyebrows and a small cherry mouth, and a pair of charming eyes, no wonder the matchmaker wanted to sell her to a brothel.

"Miss, this is a top-notch product. The old woman is not afraid to tell you for nothing. This girl is going to sell a brothel, at least there are 30 taels of silver. If you want it, miss, it is 25 taels. The old woman will not sell it if it is less." Women are good things, but they are no longer virgins, so even if you buy a brothel, you have a good price, but it is still a big discount.

And when An Xin heard it, she immediately shook her head, "No, just these six people, I don't have any extra money to buy a good one back,"

She's not stupid. This woman rushed out just now, grabbed An Qiao's clothes, and seeing her calculating face, An Xin immediately became displeased, especially when she was calculating An Qiao.

Although she knew that this woman was plotting against An Qiao just to save her life, she didn't want others to use An Xin's kindness to plot against An Qiao.

And when the woman heard it, she immediately felt a wave of despair. She can't be sold to a brothel, absolutely not. Thinking of the woman's heart, she took off the wooden hairpin on her head and placed it on herself. His face was scratched down.

"Miss, look, the servant's face is ruined, and now I won't cause trouble for you, young lady. Don't worry, miss, the servant will work hard. I beg you to take the servant," the woman at this moment, in her That face was immediately dripping with blood.

At this moment, she thinks that An Xin's trouble is because there is a man in her house, and if she buys herself back, she will seduce the man, so she puts a face on her to tell An Xin that she doesn't have that intention, and she won't.

And when the maids and maids saw the woman's face, they immediately became angry, and hurried over to look at the woman's face, rest assured that the wound will be quite deep, although it can be cured with medicine, but it will cost a lot of money , Thinking of this at this moment, the prostitute immediately became angry.

Then he directly punched and kicked the woman, "Look at the good things you've done yourself, old lady, see if I don't kill you,"

Don't talk about selling it at a high price now, I'm afraid no one would even buy it at a low price. After all, this person likes beautiful things, even if he buys a servant girl, he won't buy a servant with a disfigured appearance.

After all, who wants to buy a servant who is not a ghost to go back and scare himself, and when An Xin saw this woman's determination, she was also taken aback, this woman is really cruel.

"Xin'er, if we want her, look at her, she is quite pitiful. If she stays, I'm afraid she won't be able to survive." Although An Qiao has never been to Ren Yazi's place, he has heard of this useless person. , I am afraid that he will be killed if he is not beaten to death, so An Qiao can't bear it at this moment.

And when An Xin heard it, she wanted to shake her head, but when she saw An Qiao's pleading eyes, she frowned, then walked to the woman's side, grabbed her hand and looked at it. When there were thin calluses in her hand, she turned her hand over and looked at it.

When the woman saw An Xin walking over, she didn't look at it anymore. I don't know why?She seemed to feel that in front of the girl in front of her, even if she said more, it would be of no avail, so she could only wait for the verdict with peace of mind.

"She is the only woman sent by the matchmaker. I don't know if you agree to it or not. If you don't agree, it's fine. It's just the man and the woman just now." When he looked at the woman's hand, he felt relieved that the woman had never lied, so much Few have done embroidery.

(End of this chapter)

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