Chapter 829
And seeing that the calluses in her hands are still veterans, when she thought of this, and thought that this woman should be good at embroidery, An Xin had the intention of buying her. Of course, if this woman dared to mess around, he also had a way to make her shut up, and even more so. What's more, it's just buying a servant.

But the most important reason was An Qiao's intercession. After all, An Xin didn't want Bo An Qiao's face. At this moment, An Xin sighed.

And when he heard An Xin's words from the side, he had a look of confusion on his face, "Miss, look, it's five taels of silver, after all, it's a high-end product,"

After all, she was reluctant to give this woman away, but when An Xin heard it, she said coldly, "Your class, look at this stubborn temper, you just keep it to yourself,"

His face was disfigured, and he told her that it would be impossible for a high-class guy to treat her as a fool, not to mention that she has a lot of men, so why do you want beautiful women?Even if you want to buy this, it's a beautiful man who buys it back and is seductive.

And when the matchmaker heard An Xin's words, she immediately felt a little embarrassed, then looked at the woman, and kicked her over, "The bastard has given you an advantage."

As he said that, he wanted to kill this woman with itching teeth, but when An Xin saw it, he said coldly, "If you kick him to death, the money for the coffin will be paid by himself after a while. I don't want dead people and patients."

Although I don't like this woman very much, but now this person is my own, how can I let others bully me like this?What's more, it was injured, and she would ask a doctor to see her in a while.

And when the matchmaker heard An Xin's words, she withdrew her feet. After all, she was really afraid of killing someone. Not only would she have to lose money, but she also had to find someone to bury her, which would cost money again.

Thinking of this, the prostitute immediately became furious, but she didn't take care of the woman, but said fiercely to the woman she brought up just now, "You are still waiting to die here,"

You can't get angry with that woman, but she is still your slave, so the matchmaker can beat and scold people without any scruples. At this moment, when An Qiao saw the woman's face, he walked over, and then She put some more herbs on her face, and then gave the embroidery to her.

Let the woman temporarily stop the blood on her face, but there is disapproval in her eyes. She does not agree with this woman's self-mutilation. After all, a woman's face is a woman's second life, and the woman at this moment is very concerned about the end. own second life.

An Xin is on the side, hurry up. When the woman covered her face with a cloth, her eyes were long and her long eyelashes were shining with an unknown light. Who is this woman?In order to avoid being bought into a brothel, he would ruin his appearance.

However, An Xin admired her courage. After all, there is a woman in the world who can destroy her face without hesitation. Although that face is not stunning, it is also a rare one. See beauty.

Soon An Xin finished the formalities with the matchmaker, 70 taels of silver for six people, which is really cheap for An Xin, and there are a few good embroidery jobs, as for the woman who delivered to the door, I have to see and talk.

Soon the prostitute handed over all the deeds of selling this person to An Xin. The six of them were all deeds of death. When she saw that the woman was also a deed of death, An Xin felt much less worried. After all, the deed of death was in her hand. If this woman dares to mess around, she doesn't mind giving her a ride.

Soon An Xin took the six people back to Ping Village, and at this moment, the woman also asked An Xin to change her name to Ganniang, which had the meaning of gratitude, and told her to behave in a safe manner and to repay her kindness.

Soon An Xin smiled, never thought that when she fell into the ancient times, she would also like to use this kindness to make others loyal to her, but at this moment she had to do this, because if this person has evil intentions, at this moment People will always be her, but at this moment it is even more a family problem.

(End of this chapter)

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