pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 830 Junhua’s thoughts

Chapter 830 Junhua’s thoughts (1)
In the days that followed, the girls who bought them all gradually got started under the guidance of Mama Wu, and at the moment when they gave them away in spring, summer, autumn and winter, An Xin specially invited Mrs. Li to teach them how to embroider. .

And this Aunt Li really lived up to everyone's expectations and regarded these apprentices very well, and in the following days, the embroidery work in spring, summer, autumn and winter is getting better and better. Parrots are also fine.

And after the embroidery work in spring, summer, autumn and winter got better and better, An Xin found a small room on the third floor and asked these four people to learn embroidery work there, and then let Xie Xie know the fabrics in the shop. Haitian took a lot back.

After Xie Haitian got the fabric, An Xin let the four of them learn how to make clothes. Of course, when making clothes, he let An Qiao who was on the side watch, and An Qiao was the leader at the moment.

As for the Ganniang that was sold that day, An Xin never used it, she just taught her to do rough work, and the middle-aged man who was sent with Ganniang at this moment was because of the cold at home, and he was not a human being if he froze to death, so Only then will he sell himself to make a living for his family.

However, under An Xin's inquiring, it was found that every time the man mentioned his family, he also had an indescribable bleakness, very hurt, and his eyes were full of anger and despair.

And when he saw all this, he realized that this man was secretly sold by his son and daughter-in-law after getting drunk in the middle of the night.

And when An Xin heard it, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. This is really talented. He has heard of selling moms, but this is the first time he has heard of selling dads. This son is quite capable.

But at this moment, An Xin doesn't think it's okay to sell a mother, because both the father and the mother are the people closest to him. No matter which one the son sells, it should be struck by lightning. If you choose, you will marry a daughter-in-law if you are talented in the future, but can you marry a poisonous woman back.

And at this moment, this man, An Xin, also married a name, because those who have been sold to death are no longer members of the family, so at this moment, An Xin gave him a loyal, hoping that these servants can be loyal Seriously.

And after some days, this An Youcai also went home, and when An Youcai came home, An Xin obviously found that this An Youcai had changed, becoming more and more imposing, and his personality It is also becoming more and more cheerful, which shows that this academy really has benefits.

And An Youcai was cheerful, but this little girl had a sad face. Later, when An Youcai was about to leave, the little girl burst into tears, and she had to go with An Youcai life and death. At this time, he could only trick the little girl into telling her that in a few years, she would also let the little girl go to school with An Youcai.

When An Xin said that she could only go to school when she grew up, the little girl pinched her fingers, and then stretched out the number four to An Xin. Only then did An Xin know that the little girl of love is five years old this year. , After four years, I said that I was just ready to go to school.

However, in ancient times, children who went to school were late. If the child started to go to school at the age of six or five in modern times, the little girl has changed a lot at this moment. Maybe it is because of Bai Lingquan who is at ease. At this moment, she has grown taller. head.

At first I saw that it was about three years old, but now I only realized that it was five years old. When An Xin heard that the little girl said that she was going to school at the age of nine, she also nodded and told her that she would ask An Qiao to teach her first. with.

And in the next few days, An Xin has been busy here, and at this moment, Aunt Li's landscape painting has been embroidered, and the landscape painting is beautiful, as if the whole person is in it. When looking at landscape pictures, Anxin will be absolutely beautiful immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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