pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 831 Junhua’s thoughts

Chapter 831 Junhua’s thoughts (2)
And after Aunt Li embroidered the landscape painting, An Xin gave Aunt Li the rest of the money, and then wondered whether Aunt Li should be an embroiderer for herself, to embroider for herself or something?

And when Aunt Li heard An Xin's words, she immediately nodded in agreement, and after many days of observation, the lady in An Xin's room had always kept her own place, so she was asked to start embroidery.

However, Gan Niang was never allowed to touch the clothes, but she was asked to do embroidery work with Aunt Li. At this moment, Aunt Li knew that An Xin was on guard against her, but she didn't say anything.

After all, she is here at this moment, and what An Xin is going to do is kept secret, so she, an outsider, will naturally not know at this moment, but Aunt Li looked at Gan Niang beside her, why is An Xin bothered by this woman?

Facing An Xin's precautions, Gan Niang is like a normal person, doing what she has to do?She will do whatever job An Xin gives her, and she never refuses to do it.

And since these days, these servants, when they came to An Xin's house for half a month, they also found that An Xin's house is actually very good, and they don't want to hear the rumors at all, being a servant is like being a dog.

However, they also knew that Dangdang Anxin's family would be like this. If they went to someone else's house, they probably wouldn't want to have such a leisurely life at this moment, and half a month later, the shop was successfully decorated.

After the shop was decorated at this moment, An Xin went to have a look, and a faint woody fragrance came to her nostrils. The aroma of sandalwood was strong and charming, and the elegant and simple design made the shop look generous and noble.

And after An Xin saw that the store was ready, she prepared for the opening ceremony. When she was preparing to open, An Xin's land reclamation on the mountain was about the same. Because An Xin hired some people in the city after returning, she dared to make progress.

And later, because of this spring, An Xinbi spent money to invite the villagers to pick flowers for himself. Of course, this must be a good word, not the miscellaneous flowers that can be seen everywhere.

And when some women in the village heard An Xin's words, they all went to pick flowers with baskets on their backs. Even some girls were hardworking one by one. After all, spring is here, and each of them is looking forward to having a A beautiful tulle skirt, not a coarse cloth.

So at this moment, everyone is thinking about making money, but fortunately, there is not much work in the field at the moment, so when everyone goes to talk, the family members will not say much?
And when everyone was picking flowers, An Xin also invited Aunt Hua and Hua Niang to dry flowers for herself, and when Aunt Hua and Hua Niang heard An Xin's words, they came to An Xin's courtyard, in the backyard of An Xin's home. Sunflowers for peace of mind.

Because there are flowers all around, there is a strong fragrance of flowers when entering An Xin's home, and An Xin often enters the space to study her cosmetics and skin care products during this time.

And after entering the space with peace of mind, he looked at the blue rose, because at this moment, the blue rose was brought in by him one day, and there was another one at the moment, which was kept outside, for the sake of this blue rose. I also specially invited the flower growers to come and see it.

Then let the flower farmer teach Mama Wu how to marry and cultivate the blue rose, and when the flower farmer saw the blue rose, he said that he wanted to buy it, but An Xin naturally refused to sell it.

You must know that there may be only one flower in the world. Even if there are too many, I am afraid that there is no one in a million. If I sell it now, I will suffer a great loss in the future. , I have never been entangled with my son.

(End of this chapter)

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