pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 832 Junhua’s thoughts

Chapter 832 Junhua’s thoughts (3)
Instead, he made a request, that is, to let him cultivate the seeds, and when An Xin heard what the flower farmer said, he quickly nodded in agreement, and then asked Xie Haitian to follow and study the whole process, but the flower farmer was not happy at first.

After all, no family members have their own secret method for cultivating seeds, so if Xie Haitian learns it at this moment, wouldn’t it be a disadvantage, and when the flower farmer objected to giving Qian Anxin, Anxin immediately asked Xie Haitian to drive him away.

Nima, she doesn't want money at the moment, what she wants is technology, especially the technology of cultivating seeds for this blue rose. If the seeds are available, then I don't have to worry about the blue rose becoming extinct in the future, and I can take it with peace of mind. Blue roses are used as ingredients in skin care products.

As soon as Hua Nong saw that An Xin wanted to drive people away, he immediately blocked the gate and begged with shamelessness. Finally, he had to agree to An Xin's request and asked Xie Haitian to follow him all the way. However, he warned Xie Haitian many times in private. He said that if she dared to speak out, he would thank Haitian.

And when Xie Haitian heard it, he nodded quickly, expressing that he would not speak out, and in the following days, within half a month, the flower seeds were finally cultivated.

After the flower seeds were cultivated, An Xin took some into the space, and asked Xie Haitian to find flower pots to plant the rest, and now An Xin saw the thin weed leaves after entering the space. Both are signs of blue rose buds.

And when An Xin saw the blue rose sprouting, she sprinkled it with a little water from Bailingquan, and then made this skin care product on the side, and An Xin also found that the flowers grown in the space are more beautiful than the flowers grown outside. I like planting, it is much easier to use.

Because the flowers planted in the space are first-class and easy to use, whether it is for skin care products or cosmetics, and the flowers planted outside the space, even if Bailingquan is added, there is no such thing as the flowers planted in the space without adding Bailingquan The effect is good.

But in the current situation, An Xin wondered if it might be because of the heavy aura in the space, and An Xin did an experiment the next day, and healed one of the two flowers into the space, and planted the other outside. .

At this moment, the two flowers were irrigated with Bailing spring water at the same time, and after many days, the flowers were made into skin care products, but after the experiment, they were still not as effective as the ones in the space.

After confirming this situation, An Xin planned to divide the flowers in this space into different varieties from the flowers outside the space, and the skin care products produced also have different prices.

In the past few days, An Xin also made a lot of skin care products. After making them, An Xin showed them to Jun Hua. After arriving at Yuyue Building, An Xin went directly to find Jun Hua.

After all, An Xin at this moment has never used skin care products of this era, so naturally she doesn't know the effect, and An Xin at this moment first asks Junhua whether the rouge from Jun's family is better or her own.

At this moment, when Jun Hua saw An Xin coming to find him, he was slightly taken aback. You must know that this girl has been a busy person recently, and she has never seen anyone since the whole day. She never thought that she would come to find herself at this moment. She is really a rare visitor. up.

And in these days, Junhua also solved Xueran's problem. Xueran really came to find peace of mind, but Junhua took her back halfway. When she was arrested, Xueran was still very angry , almost fell out with Junhua.

If Jun Hua hadn't said that if he was willing to kill An Xin and go to find An Xin, I'm afraid at this moment Xue Ran would really come to find An Xin regardless, and then prepare to elope with An Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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