pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 833 Junhua’s thoughts

Chapter 833 Junhua’s thoughts (4)
But when Xueran heard Junhua's words, "Xueran, Xueran, are you really stupid or fake? If you really like her, you won't let her be in danger. You have to know at this moment whether your father is How easy it is for an important official in the court to kill An Xin, including your fiancée's family, it is also first-class. Although he is not as good as your father in the court, it is also a fatal danger to An Xin. Now you want to lead these two dangers to her, do you want her to die sooner?"

And when Xueran heard Junhua's words, she immediately paralyzed on the ground, shook her head and said, "I don't, I just like her, and I don't want to hurt her. I really want to be with him. I really want to be with her." I have no intention of harming her, I will protect her well, and will not let my father and them hurt her, "

How could he like An Xin to hurt her?One must know that this time she ran away from home just to find An Xin, how could she be willing to let An Xin get hurt?
Soon Xueran stood up suddenly, and when Junhua heard Xueran's words, he immediately smiled sarcastically, "You will protect her, cousin, don't forget, you have nothing at the moment, let alone protect her, I'm afraid You can't even protect yourself. If you go to find her, I can guarantee that the next day, you will see the corpses of her family. Xue Ran, you are not a fool, naturally you know who your family is ?The people in power, for their own benefit, kill a few powerless civilians, there is no difficulty at all, so you go now, go find her, I want to see how you regret it in the future ?”

He can't see his way clearly, and he can't see his own form. Although he is the son of the Xue family at this moment, the rights of the son of the son are also given by the Xue family. Once he wants to leave, the Xue family will naturally take back all of them. , At that time, he said that the protection was safe, and I am afraid that even he himself could not protect him.

And when Xueran heard Junhua's words, the whole person fell silent, biting his lips tightly with his teeth, blood flowed out immediately, at this moment he had no way to refute, no way to refute Junhua's words.

Because at this moment, he really couldn't protect himself, let alone protect An Xin. When he thought of this, Xue Ran slammed his fists against the wall. At this moment, he realized that he didn't have any, not even freedom.

When seeing Xueran with a small white face, Junhua sighed, "If you want to control your own destiny, the only way to control other people's destiny, Xueran, you have to remember clearly, if you don't want to be controlled by the family, just To master this family, now I will teach you a method so that you don't have to marry prematurely, but Xue Ran, you have to be careful, otherwise you will be controlled by the family for the rest of your life, "

Junhua lowered his head, with an unknown bitterness and smile on the corner of his mouth, this time he didn't know if what he did was right or wrong?He gave Xueran hope, but destroyed his hope on the other side.

Because he never told Xueran that he was not the only one who liked that girl, not to mention that girl never liked him from the beginning to the end, but if he told Xueran at that time, An Xin didn't like him.

I'm afraid he will go to ask An Xin regardless. At that time, whether An Xin agrees or not, his aunt will not let An Xin survive.

In fact, not only Xueran's parents, but even Xueran's fiancée's family will definitely get rid of An Xin, but fortunately, there are two people covering up for An Xin at this moment, otherwise An Xin's family and Xue Ran's fiancée's family would have been separated by An Xin. And secretly obliterated.

And the people who are covering up at this moment are Junhua and Qin Yihan, because Qin Yihan can act after getting the power of ghost doctor, although he is planning his own affairs, but he also secretly observes An Xin.

Especially when they sensed that someone was going to hurt An Xin, they immediately acted first, got rid of Zai Shuo, and then tried to cover up for An Xin, so as not to let those people know of An Xin's existence.

So at this moment, An Xin was very lucky to have survived on the cusp of this dangerous storm, and soon Junhua looked at An Xin who was walking, and there was also a determination in his eyes, the person he liked, so he would definitely be my own.

(End of this chapter)

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