pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 845 Someone Called in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 845 Someone Called in the Middle of the Night (2)
It's just that every time I have to be taken away at my gate, but Junhua asked this sentence at this moment, it means that these people are not sent by him, and now these people are not sent by him, it means , it should be him.

And the one who was looking at An Xin at this moment was Qin Yihan, because at this moment she couldn't think of anyone else except Qin Yihan, but when did he come back?
"Congratulations, Sister An, this is the first day of your shop. Let's go to the bar later," Master Li said at the moment. After all, this is An Xin's first opening. Although there will be many times in the future, but today But it is very special.

And when An Xin heard it, she nodded immediately and said, "Naturally, I will be the host for a while, please go to Yuyue Building for a drink, and today I will cook by myself, let you taste my craftsmanship, "

An Xin smiled and said, with a bright smile on her face, her crescent-shaped eyes slightly curved out, making her look extraordinarily good-looking, and with An Xin's stature getting bigger and bigger. Because of Gao, An Xin now has the appearance of a modest lady.

"By the way, An Xin wrote a letter from Master Heng. Master asked me to tell An Xin that this furniture picture is very good. Let me thank you, but it is a bit more expensive." After taking a sip of tea, he said.

You must know that after he learned that An Xin blackmailed the second son of the book, he almost dropped his jaw. Nima, this girl is so tough, she will kill people directly. When the second son of this book returned, but let the book Master Heng cursed loudly.

After all, Mr. Shu Er is too talented. It doesn’t matter if you buy a set of 2000 taels of silver, and you still pay for dozens of sets of furniture for nothing. Isn’t this a prodigal son?
However, Li Fugui looked at An Xin, and looked at Jun Hua. It seems that the marriage between Shu Jun and his family is really going to fail, and this time the eldest lady was also punished after returning. It is said that she is still locked up at this moment. up.

And the chief manager was directly dismissed and investigated, because not only did the chief manager almost screw up this time, but he was also suspected of embezzling public funds, using his identity to collect money from customers everywhere, which made Shu Many small guests have passed away.

Although these little guests are not a big deal to the calligrapher, they just add up to a lot, and it is not a big deal for one person, but there are too many people, even the calligrapher cannot bear the loss.

So the chief steward was not only dismissed, but also sent to the post by the calligrapher. Although the chief steward was kind to the calligrapher, it was just that he was a slave and the calligrapher was the master. No matter how much the chief steward paid, he should do it.

"Then please ask Brother Li to go back and ask. If you still want it next time, An Xin, I will be happy to help you." As if he had never heard the complaint in Li Fugui's tone, the smile on An Xin's face at this moment, Just like a flower, it is dazzling and dazzling.

As soon as he saw the bright eyes in An Xin's eyes, Li Fugui's lips twitched slightly, and his eyes were also very strange. It seemed that this ghost girl wanted to cheat the scholar.

"Okay, things are pretty busy here, why don't we go to Yuyue Building first, after all, today is a safe time to cook, so I should cook a few more side dishes," and at this moment, Master Li said.

Thinking of An Xin's craftsmanship, Master Li's appetite immediately whetted. After all, this girl is really cooking less and less now, so when she heard that she could eat her dishes, she immediately ate Eat and drink with an open stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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