pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 846 Someone Called in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 846 Someone Called in the Middle of the Night (3)
"Well, it's fine. It's not a big deal anyway, so I want to go to Yuyue Building," An Xin nodded after looking outside. The weather is almost getting dark now, so now go to Yuyue Building and wait for the food After it was done, it was already getting late.

"By the way, this is a gift from me, take a look," said An Xin, and walked aside, then brought out a few boxes, and then handed them to Junhua and the others, "These are in the box at the moment. There are only a few boxes in the world, for you, you can choose to give your wife, "

Then he took out another pink box and put it in Junhua's hands, saying, "Master Junhua is of course giving it to his lover. This is a cute design. Look, there is only one of them. Give it to young and beautiful girls. They will definitely like it very much." ,"

As he said that, he put the box into Junhua's hands, and the cooperation in Junhua's hands at this moment was about the size of a small moon cake box, and there was a pair of villains carved on it, Tao Huayanran looked very delicate.

And when Junhua picked up the cooperation An Xin gave to him, he looked at An Xin lightly, sending someone he likes?Thinking about it, there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, An Xin didn't notice Jun Hua's smile, but was still taking the rest of the box to everyone, "This is my special skin care product and cosmetics, I believe that when you take it back, this beauty will definitely be happy I happily accepted it, but of course you can give it to others, Senior Brother Qin, and it must also win a good impression."

At this moment, these cosmetics are specially made by An Xin with peony flowers, and this skin care product is made of pearl powder and orchids.

And when Li Fugui and the others were holding the skin care product, they immediately looked at An Xin and said, "Sister An, I have a bunch of wives and concubines in my house, who do you want me to give it to?"

After saying that, he looked at An Xin sadly, there was also something flattering in those small eyes, at this moment when the fat face was smiling like this, he couldn't see the facial features to some extent, he could only see the gaze.

"Brother Li, I'm not talking about you. Of course it's for your wife. Who asked you to give me a concubine, but if you want it, my younger sister is not without it. The original is 100 taels. How about I get a 50 taels discount?" When Li Fugui said something, An Xin immediately wanted to kick this fat man to death, Nima, the words must be able to be said.

He has a bunch of concubines, which is given away by others. Wouldn't she die at a loss? Besides, she doesn't like people like concubines. Maybe it's a modern concept. After all, she still likes wives more. After all, concubines are similar to mistresses. , but this ancient time was an aboveboard existence.

Of course, she didn't particularly discriminate against concubines, she just didn't like them, and when Li Fugui heard An Xin's words, she immediately died. How much would he have to spend for a box for each person?
After thinking about this, Li Fugui shook his head, thinking that this deal is not worth it, and the money is a loss, "Anxin, you pretend I didn't say it," he was reluctant to waste the money.

When she heard Li Fugui's painful words, An Xin glanced at him indifferently, she was so stingy that she even bought things for her own woman, and married him so stingily, she really suffered a big loss.

Soon An Xin stopped chatting with Li Fugui, but took everyone to Yuyue Tower, and when she was going out, she asked An Qiao to come over for a while, and after going to Yuyue Tower, An Xin went in In the kitchen, he made several side dishes.

After the dishes were ready, An Qiao also came, and at this moment An Qiao brought Shi Yueran, and after everyone arrived, An Xin let everyone eat.

After drinking and eating, An Xin went back to the store to settle the bills for a few days. The opening performance was good today. The skin care products that were brought out on this day were sold out, and the sales of these clothes were also very good.

Eleven sets of the 100 taels of skin care products were sold, and 50 sets of the [-] taels were sold out, and the ten taels of silver were more, but there were only a few sets left.

Because An Xin doesn't do much, she only sells those few boxes every day. Although some people don't like it, An Xin doesn't care about it. After all, she has never set up a business, so she can only do this.

And after the money was settled, An Xin closed the door of the shop, but at the moment there were many workers living in the shop, and at the moment Shi Yue was among them, and after leaving the shop, An Xin and An Qiao returned to the shop. at home.

When I got home, there were frogs screaming everywhere, and the croaking sound resounded throughout the field. After hearing the frog's cry, An Xin licked her mouth and went to catch some tomorrow. Frog to check.

There are no pollution and no pesticides in this ancient time, so the frogs in this field are everywhere, so even if you catch a few at this moment, it will not reduce the number of frogs by half.

And when she got home, An Xin lay down on the bed and fell asleep after washing up, but in the middle of the night, she always heard someone calling her?
An Xin, who had closed her eyes and slept in the dark night, suddenly heard a call. When she heard the sound, An Xin woke up immediately. After waking up, she looked around and found that at this moment No one is calling yourself at all?

When she saw no one around, An Xin frowned immediately. Could it be that she was too tired in recent days, that's why she had hallucinations, thinking that someone was calling her?

Soon An Xin shook her head, it must be a hallucination, otherwise in the middle of the night, how could anyone call herself?

But in the next second, when An Xin was lying on the bed and fell asleep again, the voice sounded again, "Come out,, I'm waiting for you, come out quickly,"

And at this moment, when An Xin heard this voice, she immediately opened her eyes wide. That's right, someone was indeed calling her, it's just Nimadi, how could this be a human being? I don't know where it came from. There won't be a ghost coming here, right?
(End of this chapter)

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