pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 847 Early Warning of Drought

Chapter 847 Early Warning of Drought (1)
"Where is who? What do you want to do sneakily?" When she heard that voice, An Xin burst into cold sweat, Nima, who is calling her in the middle of the night?
It's just that her voice still didn't seem to respond, because that voice seemed to keep saying, "Come out quickly, I'm waiting for you, come out quickly, I'll be waiting for you".

When she heard this voice, An Xin became more and more frightened, could it be a ghost calling her?An Xin shook her head, it wasn't necessarily because she was overthinking, she would get well soon after sleeping.

Anyone who hears someone calling themselves in the middle of the night, and the voice cannot be heard clearly, and they don't know where it came from, let alone An Xin will be afraid, and I am afraid that others will be too.

And soon An Xin fell asleep with her head covered, but just as she closed her eyes, she saw a pool of lake water, and soon there was a glint of candlelight flashing across the lake, and the dazzling beauty made An Xin open her eyes immediately , but at this moment her gaze was a little dazed.

Soon An Xin put on her clothes, stood up with a dazed gaze, then opened the door and walked out, and just as An Xin was walking out, she quickly walked towards the door.

Then he walked through the gate and walked out of the house, and An Xin quickly walked and walked, as if he was being pulled by something, he couldn't help but walked, his whole body was like a ghost, and soon An Xin came A place is a lake.

And when An Xin paused, a faint light flashed in her eyes, and the color in the depths of her eyes immediately returned to clarity. She quickly looked around, why did she come to such a ghostly place?
When she saw the surrounding scenery, An Xin suddenly became puzzled, why did she come here?Isn't she sleeping at home, shouldn't she?
When thinking about everything, An Xin's expression turned ugly. Could it be that someone controlled her just now and brought her here, but the one who controlled her?Where did you go?

"Hey,,,," and at this moment, An Xin saw the lake surface, suddenly shimmering with a faint light, and when An Xin saw this, she looked over, but at that moment, at this moment, An Xin went to suddenly It feels like someone is grabbing your foot.

And just before An Xin could react, she fell into the water with a thud, and at the moment An Xin fell into the water, she suddenly had an idea that the water ghost was looking for a substitute, and she was the one. scapegoat.

An Xin immediately became annoyed at the thought of meeting Zhong Zhong, damn, it seems like she never killed anyone in the water before?It's useless to offend that water ghost, why did you find her to be a scapegoat?
And when An Xin fell into the water, several men in black ran out of the dark, and when those people saw An Xin fall into the water, their faces changed drastically, what should we do?

"Damn it, my second child, you watch from above, I'll go down to save her." If the master finds out that this little girl fell into the water and drowned, then they don't want their lives.

Soon one of the two jumped into the water quickly, but after searching for him for a long time, he still couldn't find any trace of An Xin. In the dark water, the only thing he felt was darkness.

After searching in the lake for a long time, the man who got into the water finally couldn't bear it any longer and came out of the water directly, while the second child who was on the shore at the moment, when he saw his elder brother coming up, he ran over quickly.

"Brother, that girl?" When he saw that the person who came up was only his elder brother, the second child immediately became anxious, and when the man under the water heard it, he became a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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