pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 852 Reminiscing about the Cold Returning to Anxinli

Chapter 852 Reminiscing about the Cold Returning to Anxinli (3)
And then An Xin taught An Qiao how to make skin care products, and then told her not to let outsiders enter her room, and disappeared when the next day came.

It's just that An Xin doesn't know at this moment that Qin Yihan just happened to pass by her at this time. Not long after she left Pingcun, this Qin Yihan rushed back, and when An Qiao saw Qin Yihan, she gave a slight smile. Leng.

I saw that Qin Yihan was already 1.8 meters tall, with a wheat complexion, wearing a tight gray robe that fully revealed his perfect figure, and his smooth and resolute face revealed a sharp-edged and cold handsomeness.

Under the long and drooping eyelashes, deep eyes gleamed like black crystals. At this moment, he was like a mixture of various temperaments, all of which exuded nobility and domineering coldness.

It's just that Qin Yihan at this moment lacks the vigor and vigor that he saw with peace of mind that day, and is more tired. On his handsome face, there is also a trace of emaciation and emaciation, and the whole person looks like a passerby in the dust.

In fact, it was already two days after he received the letter from Fei Ge that day, and as soon as he got the news that something happened to An Xin, Qin Yihan hurried back.

Because in the Flying Pigeon's biography, it was written what happened to An Xin after sunset, and when he heard that something happened to An Xin, Qin Yihan immediately became very anxious, how could he stay there.

When he returned to Ping Village, he had been on the road for two days and nights, and even the horse was exhausted on the way, but he still didn't stop for half a minute, because before he was sure whether she was safe, where did he go? Have a rest in the mood.

But at this moment, when Anqiao saw Qin Yihan's appearance, he was slightly stunned for a moment, and soon his face turned ugly, "Why are you still coming back? It's useless to come back at this time, hurry up and let me go, my heart won't I want to see you, you came late, my heart left early, "

When he saw Qin Yihan, whom he hadn't seen in months, An Qiao's expression suddenly turned ugly. What does this person mean?As soon as he left, he left her sister for several months. Is he a man? He doesn't even know how to take care of his own woman.

Hmph, at this moment, An Qiao completely hated Qin Yihan, who told him to leave An Xin without saying goodbye, and at this moment, she had already found a good candidate for An Xin to be her future husband, so the person in front of her was the most Well gone well.

It's just that An Qiao still couldn't help being jealous, after all, An Xin had suffered a lot in secret, she knew it clearly, but this person in front of her had never appeared before, he was not worthy to marry Xin'er at all.

At this moment, when An Qiao thought of An Xin's serious injury that day, and when he thought of all the things that happened in recent days, he immediately felt wronged for An Xin, and even when he thought about it, he felt like crying. Why is this man coming back now?
And when Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, his head suddenly thumped, "What do you mean by that? Could something really happen to her? Where is she? Tell me, tell me,"

When Qin Yihan heard An Qiao's words, there was a voice in his mind that she was really gone, dead, and one day after he received the letter from Fei Ge, he hurried back. it is true.

At the beginning, he couldn't believe it, but now when he saw the anger on An Qiao's face, he immediately believed it. After all, her subordinates had told him that day, saying that An Xin disappeared after falling into the water.

And at this moment, An Qiao's words matched those words, and Qin Yihan's originally haggard expression suddenly became bald, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

She didn't believe that An Xin was really dead, nor did she believe that An Xin really disappeared, she said she would wait for her, she told herself slowly, she would definitely wait for her, how could she die, how could she disappear, How can I not see you?

"Why did I lie to you? Xin'er has already left, and you can't see him when you come back now. Where did you go, and disappeared without a word. Now when Xin'er left, you came back, you What do you mean?" When An Qiao saw Qin Yihan yelling at him, he immediately became angry.

I haven't seen her and An Xin for a long time. In addition, she has been taking care of this shop these days, so her temper is getting bigger and bigger. I don't see that this temperless boss can't hold down his subordinates at all.

So An Qiao will also show his boss's strength at the right time. In fact, at this moment, An Qiao also has people who are close to Zhu Zhe Chi and close to ink and black. After learning from An Xin for a long time, this will more or less have her temper.

What's more, An Qiao was originally angry with Qin Yihan, angry that after cheating his sister's heart, he suddenly disappeared, and now when An Xin was away, this Qin Yihan ran back, how could this make An Qiao unhappy Angry, this Qin Yihan is definitely trying to avoid being happy on purpose.

Otherwise, when Xin'er went out on a long journey, how could this man come back on his back? Damn it, who is her sister?If you want to look for it, you can look for it, and you don't come at the right time, hum, she won't tell her where An Xin went?
What's more, An Qiao didn't lie to Qin Yihan at the moment, because what she said was right, and when Qin Yihan came back at this moment, he really couldn't see An Xin.

At this moment, although Qin Yihan's body was full of chills, An Qiao was not afraid. She was justified, not to mention that she didn't know that it was murderous intent, and the country people didn't know it.

What's more, An Xin also used this look to scan people all the time. She had seen An Qiao a lot, so she didn't have much fear. In fact, maybe An Qiao knew in her heart that the man in front of her would not hurt herself.

Because he really loves his younger sister, but even if he loves her, he won't make this man feel better. His precious younger sister has been left behind for so long, and as soon as she comes back, she will send it to him. Doesn't it seem that An Xin is too worthless? It's just that Qin Yihan beside her words suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue.

(End of this chapter)

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