pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 853 Wankou Town

Chapter 853 Wankou Town (1)
This is a well-known land of fish and rice, and agricultural logistics are constantly flowing here. There are business customers from all over the world, some come from the bar country, and some people come from far away places.

But at this moment, on this bustling street, a dwarf about 1.4 meters five is walking on this street in this strange clothes. When he sees the prosperity of this street, he suddenly smiles lightly.

This place is really worthy of the most outstanding place in Xia Kingdom's trade, and at this moment, whether it is the cloth village or the rice business, it is the place with the most and the best.

Of course, this capital city is also good, but it is a place where people have money and money to live in, but at the moment, there are quite a few sects and high-ranking people here.

Because where the security is tight, but at this moment there are people here like a puddle of muddy water. If there are more people, it is unnatural that there will be more people.

But at this moment, these people are all law-abiding people. If you let them go to the capital, they are afraid of bumping into officials every step of the way, so they have to be careful. It's better to let them die. Better than being free.

And at this moment here on the muddy street, this An Xin is wearing a standing cap, and the whole person has also changed into a man's clothes. I don't know if it is because of Bai Lingquan. It is a head taller than the average eleven or twelve-year-old child.

It looks like he is fifteen or sixteen years old, and An Xin is more mature in mind, so it is not very possible to play the fifteen or sixteen-year-old at this moment.

And at this moment, An Xin was on the sixth day after she left Ping Village. After she left Ping Village, it was better than inquiring about where the business was best done, so she went to buy rice there.

In addition, she also wanted to come here to investigate and investigate how the business here was. Now, after seeing it with peace of mind, it is undeniable that the business here is very good, with people coming and going, and it is booming.

Every shop is busy, and right now this is Wankou Town, a city in Xiaguo, Anxin looked around and thought about it, first find a place to rest, and make plans for tomorrow.

Sure enough, if she came out to buy rice by herself, she had to find a warehouse first. After all, if she didn't see the rice in the warehouse, she couldn't take it back into the space at that time.

Soon An Xin came to an inn, and when she saw the crescent-shaped sign on the inn, she smiled softly, "Jun's property."

However, although this property belongs to Jun's family, An Xin never rejected it, after all, if he doesn't live in this store, others will live in it.

However, He Jun's Anxin also admires it. At this moment, the Jun's family is well-deserved, the richest man in the Xia Kingdom, rich as an enemy, whether it is the rice industry restaurant, rouge and gouache, they are all broken in their hands.

So at this moment, their Jun family is a unique business, especially this rouge gouache, it is even more difficult to have someone who can match it, let alone surpass the rouge gouache of the Jun family.

Of course, all these situations will change in the near future, soon An Xin walked into the inn, and when the shopkeeper saw An Xin got it, he hurried over.

"Young master, are you going to be the top? Or to eat," the shopkeeper thought to himself when he saw the An Xin's attire. Could this be someone who sneaked out to follow his brother?

And when An Xin heard about it, she asked for an upper room, but when she paid the money, her face suddenly changed, Nima, the price of this cheating mouth is actually two-thirds more expensive than other places.

(End of this chapter)

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