Chapter 868 Seventh Master (1)
And the man who just walked in at this moment, when he looked around, saw Li Jinian, he was only slightly taken aback, and then nodded to him.

But when his eyes fell on An Xin, he was a little surprised, and then walked up to An Xin, "I don't know where we met this little brother?"

The person in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling. When he saw An Xin, the man frowned, and then suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, "Are you the little girl from that day?"

And when An Xin heard what the man said, her mouth that was drinking tea suddenly choked, and then she turned her head to look at the man and said, "Brother, do you see that the young master looks like a woman with your eyes?"

An Xin glanced at this man lightly, this man did not expect to know her, she really has a good memory, and at this moment she is already dressed in men's clothing, although she is not as handsome, but she is still a handsome young man, how can she miss a woman?

What's more, at this moment, she has not yet developed, and her chest is just buns. No one can recognize her in men's clothes. Then she also put on makeup to make herself look more resolute.

And when Li Goudan and Xiao Yuer heard the man's words, they turned their heads to look at An Xin, blinked their eyes, and when they heard An Xin's words, Li Goudan murmured secretly, "Long white and tender. , anyone would doubt a girl, let alone how can a man be so white?"

At this moment, although Li Goudan said in a low voice, both the man and An Xin heard it, especially when the man heard Li Goudan's words, his handsome face immediately felt a little embarrassed.

After all, how could the man he was looking at be so white?But at this moment, the man is honest, the fine and fair skin is really not inferior to the woman, so when he heard Li Goudan's words at this moment, he didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"Hmph, I'm so white, you're jealous," An Xin glanced lightly, and Li Goudan said coldly, "It's because you are so dark, you can't even see your appearance clearly, you are jealous us beautiful boys, "

At this moment, she is the arrogant young master, so naturally she has to look arrogant, otherwise she will really make people suspicious, and when the man heard An Xin's words, he pursed his lips and smiled softly.

"It seems that I really made a mistake. I don't know if I can sit with you." The man smiled softly when he heard An Xin's words, but he still doubted An Xin's words from the beginning to the end. Is it true?

After all, the little boy in front of him at this moment misses the little girl who saved him back then, and when he thinks of that little girl back then, there is a faint smile in the man's eyes. It was the first time he had tasted what is called the most poisonous woman's heart.

Even at this moment, he still remembers the girl's ruthlessness. It was the little girl who taught him that time. People can never look at the surface. She is an innocent little girl, but she already has The ability to deceive people.

"Master, I say no, I think you will sit down too, my lord. Come on, the waiter is changing a table of wine and food." If someone wants to come over to strike up a conversation, she is naturally willing to accept it, not to mention the person in front of him, his identity is not yet Simple, as the saying goes, one more friend is one less enemy, let alone a friend with high authority.

Soon after the shopkeeper heard An Xin's house, he asked the waiter to clean up all the things on the table. At this moment, Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er also sat aside, silently not talking.

(End of this chapter)

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