Chapter 869 Seventh Master (2)
"My surname is An. Others call me Young Master An. I don't know what to call you, young master?" After An Xin gave the man some good wine, she picked up the wine glass and said, her appearance was somewhat masculine.

"I'm the seventh in the next family, you can call me Seventh Master," the man also raised his glass and said, but there was a friendly smile on his face, but after seeing the murderous intent on this man, An Xin naturally wouldn't think that this Goods, really harmless people.

"Oh, Seventh Master," An Xin picked up her wine glass and said softly. This man took advantage of her and asked her to call him Master, but he called her Young Master. It's really a disadvantage.

At this moment, after drinking a glass of wine, Master Qi turned his head to look at Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er, "Are these two young master An San's relatives?"

Although these two people look like servants, from their words and demeanor just now, Qi Ye can also guess something. the master.

"It's a relative, a distant relative. I just met a few days ago, and I didn't recognize it at first. I didn't expect that I still have this cousin." Facing Qi Ye's words, An Xin answered very simply. stand up.

But at this moment, Qi Ye looked at Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er with strange eyes, and when An Xin saw this, he said suspiciously, "Could it be that my cousin and sister are also like Qi Ye? someone looks like?"

Maybe it's because of Qi Ye's staring gaze, which is too persistent and focused. Even Li Goudan's whole body is a little unnatural, and at this moment, An Xin's New Year Qi Ye has never noticed that this Li Gou Dan Dan's palms were already sweating.

"Master An San, you have misunderstood. I just noticed that the two brothers and sisters are somewhat different, so I couldn't help but take another look. I hope that Master An San is not surprised," Qi Ye immediately replied when he heard An Xin's words. Come to God.

However, the gaze that looked at Li Goudan became normal, and at this moment, he shook his head in his heart. He really was suspicious. After searching for so long, how could it be possible for him to meet him in Wankou Town.

And at this moment, Qi Ye didn't know if it was his own delusion, he actually thought that Li Goudan was very similar to a person he knew, obviously one was extremely noble, but this person in front of him was extremely humble, how could he be similar?
"Well, in fact, I also have doubts, whether my cousin abducted someone else's daughter, or the difference would be too big," upon hearing Qi Ye's words, An Xin immediately smiled softly.

Then I looked at Xiao Yu'er and Li Goudan. The appearance of these two people is very different. What have you been through?
But at this moment, this little Yu'er is carved with jade, whether it is the light in her eyes or her appearance, she is on the same level as Li Goudan. Her eyes are extremely pure, but Li Goudan's eyes are somewhat cloudy, as if Experienced all kinds of situations in the world.

"Xiao Yu'er is my sister," Li Goudan immediately retorted when faced with An Xin's and Qi Ye's questioning. After all, this Xiao Yu'er is his sister, how could it be kidnapped, it makes no sense.

"Haha indeed, my cousin made a slip of the tongue," An Xin immediately apologized upon hearing what Li Goudan said, and then looked at Qi Ye, "I don't know why you came here, Qi Ye?"

What she said was a little knowing, but even if she knew everything at this moment, she couldn't say it like an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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