Chapter 870 Seventh Master (3)
When Qi Ye heard this, he took a sip of wine and said, "Actually, I only came to Wankou Town this time for my family's business. After all, I have grown up, and my parents also hope that I can stir up a piece of the sky alone. Not always to be the chicks under their wings,"

Qiye's words were so sincere that people couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie, and when An Xin heard it, she smiled softly, "It's the same with me, too."

She knew that Qi Ye was lying, and at this moment, Qi Ye did not believe her words, so what the two of them said at this moment became nonsense, but no one exposed it all, and then Qi Ye told An Xin After doing some things, I said goodbye to An Xin.

After An Xin bid farewell to Master Qi, An Xin was about to go back to the inn, but when An Xin turned her head, she saw Xiao Yuer and Li Goudan following behind her, when she saw the two, An Xin frowned head.

"Now I let you go, why don't you go? At first, you were arguing to leave," An Xin frowned when she saw Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er. How can people keep up with themselves?

And when Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, he lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Let me follow you, at least let me follow you at this moment, you didn't tell this Seventh Master just now, I am Your cousin, but at this moment you abandon me, this is too abnormal, so treat you well at this moment, and treat me well at the same time, we should all be together, otherwise your lie will be exposed soon, "

But at this moment, Li Goudan's words were spoken very seriously, so seriously that An Xin almost had the illusion that she should take the two of them with her, but An Xin quickly smiled lightly.

"You don't have to worry about this. To me, the Seventh Master is just a friend who met once, so it's unnecessary at this moment. For this friend who met by chance, you will get into unnecessary trouble, so you just give up. "An Xin looked at Li Goudan and said, his eyes seemed to have penetrated Li Goudan's heart, seeing through the thoughts in his mind.

Indeed, at this moment, Li Goudan has nothing to do to be courteous, either adultery or robbery. At the beginning, he obviously wanted to get rid of himself quickly, but now he posted it again, which really made An Xin very strange.

At the same time, he became vigilant in his heart, could it be that this brat has something to hide from himself?And this matter still scares him, so at this moment he wants to use himself.

"I know that my request is too much at this moment, but I still hope that you can keep me. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble for you, and I won't do anything to you. What's more, what I want is just a cover-up of identity. That's all, so the young master hopes that you can promise me, of course I will not follow you for nothing, I know there is a place where the rice is sold very cheaply, and every piece of rice is top grade, if you take me in, I will Where did I take you?" Li Goudan looked at An Xin with a hint of pleading.

He had to follow An Xin. If he left An Xin at this moment, his identity might be exposed in the next second. He didn't want his identity to be exposed. At that time, he and his younger sister might be unable to escape for the rest of their lives.

"Rice?" After hearing what Li Goudan said, An Xin had a look of hesitation on her face. If it was true what Li Goudan said, should she stay or drive him away?

"Young master, don't worry, I won't do you any harm, let alone no harm, so you don't have to worry about it at all, young master. I guarantee with my life that once you feel danger, young master, Then you can drive me and my little sister away," Li Goudan said quickly when he saw the hesitation on An Xin's face, he knew he had hope.

"What's more, young master, you want to buy rice, but the rice in this city is very expensive at the moment. Compared with the places I know, it is almost half as expensive, and the rice is exquisite. Believe me, young master, you After I go there, I will definitely not regret it, not to mention that you just want to take me in for a while, and when the time is over, I will naturally take my little sister and leave." The reason why he didn't leave at this moment was because of himself If he left, he might feel suspicious, so he decided to stay.

The most dangerous position is the safest place. This sentence has never been missed since ancient times. When An Xin heard Li Goudan's words, she glanced at the two of them lightly, and then continued to move forward.

And when Li Goudan saw this, a look of disappointment flashed across his face. That's right, he was not related to her, and she didn't need to take him in. It seemed that he was thinking too much after all.

But just when Li Goudan was lost, An Xin in front of him suddenly turned around and said, "I don't keep idlers by my side. Once you follow me, you have to work with peace of mind. I don't care what secrets you have, but But I hope you don't get me into trouble."

Although she is very curious about the secrets that are both true, An An at the moment does not have the desire to find out, not to mention that at this moment, her only hope is to be able to buy this rice quickly, and then it will be wrong immediately.

An Xin looked at Li Goudan, and quickly shook his head. It should be impossible. Although those people are looking for the Ninth Highness, it is impossible for Li Goudan to be the Seventh Highness. Just stand up.

What's more, such a coincidence would only happen on TV, and it should not be possible in real life, so An Xin put away her suspicion that Li Goudan was His Highness the Ninth Prince.

After all, Li Goudan and Qi Ye didn't think about it at all, so how could they be brothers?But at this moment, when Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, a smile appeared on his face.

"Young master, don't worry, we will never cause trouble for you," Li Goudan hugged Xiao Yu'er and caught up with An Xin, with a smile on his face, a dark face On the face, it means that the teeth are white and flawless, and the smile is extremely bright.

(End of this chapter)

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