pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 871 All the acquaintances are here

Chapter 871 All the acquaintances are here (1)
When the next day came, I saw a lavender figure appearing on the street of Wankou Town. The man was wearing clothes, which were made of bright and gorgeous soft satin. , will be able to exude a faint radiance, dreamy and charming, and it is also comfortable and elegant to wear, and it looks great.

On that graceful figure, a head of beautiful hair was tied up high in the crown, and the long brocade-like flowing hair was sprinkled on the shoulders. She raised her head slightly, revealing a handsome face. That slight smile——beautiful Difficult to distinguish gender, so thrilling and enchanting.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, walking on the street, a beautiful landscape was immediately formed, and at this moment, opposite the man in purple was a man in black.

The man is about 1.8 meters tall and has a wheat complexion. He wears a tight gray robe that reveals his perfect figure. His flaxen hair falls on his shoulders, giving him a sense of laziness.

The cold and stern eyes reveal a dark and clear indifference. Under the long drooping eyelashes, the deep eyes are shining like black crystals. At this moment, he is like a mixture of various temperaments, all of which are flamboyant and noble. With domineering coldness.

But at this moment, there was a touch of bloodthirsty in those deep eyes, which had already lost the gentleness of the past, and a sinister chill was tainted on his body, and his whole person was like a Shura.

But at this moment, these two people have their own strengths, one is evil and fierce, while the other is charming and charming, one is like a goblin, seductive, while the other has a bloodthirsty Shura, making people want to get close but dare not near.

At this moment, the two are Junhua and Qin Yihan respectively. Qin Yihan looked at Junhua, and when he saw Junhua, there was obvious displeasure in his eyes. He loved to follow this person wherever he went. where.

"Mr. Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's been a good day." When Jun Hua saw Qin Yihan, he was also slightly taken aback. He never thought that he would meet Qin Yihan on the street, which really surprised Junhua.

A few days ago, Junhua had already left Pingxiang Village earlier than Qin Yihan, so he didn't even know what happened in Pingxiang Village?He also didn't know that An Xin had disappeared before, so when he saw Qin Yihan, Jun Hua suddenly felt that the road to enemies was narrow.

When Qin Yihan heard Junhua's greeting, he said softly at the corner of his mouth, "It's really a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you, Young Master Jun, wherever I go."

At this moment, Qin Yihan is no longer the brat he was in the past, nor is he the one who has nothing, nor is he a fool who can be looked down upon by anyone, who can be bullied by anyone.

He has changed, this is Jun Hua's first feeling, the man in front of him has changed a lot, the first time he saw him, he was so inconspicuous, if it wasn't for this peace of mind, Jun Hua might not remember this man in front of him at all.

It's just that the man in front of him has changed a lot at this moment. If he had low self-esteem at the beginning, but now he is going to give people a chill, as long as someone sees his eyes, it seems that the blood will be frozen.

This man is colder than before. When Junhua saw him last time, he already knew that Qin Yihan had changed a lot, but when he saw Qin Yihan at this moment, it was not just a different person, but a fundamental change. Another person was changed.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, there has been a big change. In fact, Qin Yihan's appearance has not changed, but he always keeps his head down, and he has a low self-esteem in everything he does. He dare not communicate with others, as if he is just an air generally.

(End of this chapter)

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