pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 873 All the acquaintances are here

Chapter 873 All the acquaintances are here (3)
If it wasn't for being afraid of holding An Xin back, Li Goudan would have stopped early in the morning, and now An Xin, after leaving the city gate, turned around to look at Li Goudan when he reached the three-way intersection. Xiao Yuer and two people.

It's just that she didn't look back, but she found that Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er were a lot behind her. When she saw this, An Xin was slightly taken aback. Did she run too fast? They just can't keep up.

When she thought of this, An Xin shook her head lightly. This Li Goudan obviously couldn't keep up, but he didn't tell him to walk slowly, instead he insisted on carrying it. Smiled, this kid is really stubborn.

Soon An Xin dismounted from the horse, and then sat under a big tree, took out the dry food prepared by the waiter in the shop, and ate it leisurely, under the shade of the tree, the breeze blew slightly.

The leaves are constantly making crisp sounds, as if they are playing some wonderful music. In fact, the most beautiful music in the world has always been in nature. The sounds they make are often the most beautiful and purest. .

And after An Xin sat for a while, Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er also chased after him. When An Xin saw this, he pointed to the stone not far away to them, and wantonly dismounted their two brothers and sisters to rest.

And when Li Goudan saw An Xin's gesture, he immediately understood what An Xin was thinking, so he quickly hugged Xiao Yu'er and got out of the carriage, and after getting off the horse, he patted his waist and buttocks lightly , and suddenly felt sore, numb, swollen and painful all over.

"How far are we from our destination?" An Xin threw the dry food in his hands to Li Goudan and Xiao Yu'er, and then said, at this moment, the distance is unknown, and Li Goudan will die or die. Leave Xiao Yu'er in the inn.

In fact, don't say that he refuses to let Xiao Yuer stay in the inn, even if he borrows in Li Gui's house, Li Goudan will not allow it, as if as long as his sister leaves his sight, something big will happen to Xiao Yuer.

In the situation where Li Goudan was stubborn, An Xin nodded and asked Li Goudan to take Xiao Yuer with him. At this moment, it seems that taking Xiao Yuer is really not the best strategy. If the road is still far away, Li Goudan Egg doesn't know if he can take it anymore.

Hey, I would have rented a carriage if I knew it earlier, maybe it would be faster to drive that way, but at this moment when Li Goudan heard An Xin's words, his heart tightened and he said, "Young master, don't worry, my sister and I will not fall behind. , not to mention that the road is not far away, just not far ahead, where there are several villages, it is said that there was a bumper harvest last year, and the grain was several times the usual, so at this moment, the rice shop is asking you to lower the price, so they They have never sold these grains, after all, they are too cheap, and they are reluctant to sell them."

You must know that the surrounding area of ​​Wankou town is the famous home of rice fragrance, and there are fields everywhere, and the fields are also very fat, and the grains grown are even more exquisite and plump, so here It is definitely the best place to buy rice.

And when An Xin heard it, she nodded lightly, and didn't look at it or talk, but she didn't leave immediately, but sat for a while under the shade of the tree.

After resting, An Xin let Li Goudan go on the road again, but at this moment, An Xin didn't ride the horse, but let the horse walk slowly, while she was enjoying the idyllic scenery around her.

At this moment, no rice has been planted on the field, so wild flowers bloom all around. When looking at the bright red and light green field, An Xin immediately thought, it would be great if there was a camera at this moment. The beautiful scenery can be photographed one by one.

At this moment, when Li Goudan, who was walking behind An Xin, saw An Xin walking slowly, there was a touch of complexity in his eyes. After all, An Xin could completely disregard them at this moment, but at this moment she chose to stay, Go with them.

At this moment, An Xin naturally didn't know what Li Goudan was thinking, but even if she knew, she would just smile lightly. After all, although she thought of waiting for Li Goudan, her real purpose was to appreciate Everything in sight.

Soon after An Xin and Li Godan walked for a while, An Xin finally saw the village, and the village was already filled with smoke, it seemed that it was time for everyone to prepare for breakfast.

And when Li Goudan saw this, he pointed to the place not far away, "Young master is just ahead, where is our destination, we are a little late today, they just happened to be having dinner , but there are people I know here, young master, if you don't mind young master, we can go to their house to do it first, and then go to the village chief, "

Seeing that the destination was right in front of him, Li Goudan woke up in a start and said, in fact, he was really embarrassed today, after all, if he hadn't insisted on taking Xiao Yu'er with him, then they would have arrived early in the morning.

Even so, Li Goudan still didn't regret bringing Xiao Yu'er with him. After all, he was very worried about leaving Xiao Yu'er alone in the inn, especially at this moment.

So when he arrived at the destination at this moment, Li Goudan immediately had the illusion of relief, as if the big stone in his heart had been let go, and he finally had one thing to do well, and he was not holding him back.

When An Xin heard Li Goudan's words, she glanced over, only to realize that the village was indeed quite small when she first looked at it. Unexpectedly, when the horse got closer and closer, the small village suddenly became larger and larger. It got bigger, much bigger than I expected.

"Okay then, let's hurry up and visit someone else." When An Xin heard what Li Goudan said, she left and rode away, leaving a pile of dust behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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